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0007881Openbravo ERPA. Platformpublic2009-02-28 04:502009-05-22 19:33
normalmajorhave not tried
0007881: Configurable Composite search help link to multi data source of the field
Currently the user can use the standard search screen for certain field with linked lookup table, such as product, vendor and customer, but the user can not change the search screen(selection criteria fields) easily, and one field only associate with one search screen/one data source, but actually some times for the same field, e.g product, different users in different window need search the product by different selection criteria from different data source, in most of the cases, users search the product via the product master, but when in production related window, it is desirable to search the product via Bill of material definition. most of the users will search the customer via customer master,but it is also desirable to search the customer via sales transaction history and customer credit/payment history.
1. create table and corresponding window managing the search help definition
  1.1 single search help( source table/view, input parameter/field, output parameter/field
  1.2 composite search help( composite search help, single search help)
  1.3 link the application element/reference item to the corresponding single or composite help
2.handle the search help definition via a general search help engine, make sure for composite search help, there are multi tab sheets available for user to switch to different search option(selection criteria from different data source)
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jpg CollectiveSearchHelpDefinition.JPG (37,846) 2009-03-16 07:15

jpg CollectiveSearchHelpElementaryHelp.JPG (45,112) 2009-03-16 07:16

jpg CollectiveSearchHelpInAction.JPG (56,672) 2009-03-16 07:16
Issue History
2009-02-28 04:50fisherNew Issue
2009-02-28 04:50fisherAssigned To => rafaroda
2009-03-03 12:25rafarodaAssigned Torafaroda => pjuvara
2009-03-16 07:15fisherFile Added: CollectiveSearchHelpDefinition.JPG
2009-03-16 07:16fisherFile Added: CollectiveSearchHelpElementaryHelp.JPG
2009-03-16 07:16fisherFile Added: CollectiveSearchHelpInAction.JPG
2009-03-16 07:18fisherNote Added: 0014642
2009-05-22 19:33pjuvaraAssigned Topjuvara => iciordia

2009-03-16 07:18   
Some screen shot provided, hopefully it can give you some ideas how to implement this function in OB