Openbravo Issue Tracking System - Openbravo ERP
View Issue Details
0007642Openbravo ERP05. Production managementpublic2009-02-18 17:482013-06-07 14:54
normalmajorhave not tried
20Ubuntu 8.04Hardy
0007642: Work effort: when generating standards, rejected quantity is not taken into account when updating stock.
Work effort: when generating standards, rejected quantity is not taken into account when updating stock.
Create a process plan and work requirement.

Create a work effort.

In the Production Run tab select a phase of the created work requirement and fill the quantity and rejected quantity.

Run the create standards process. The quantities of the products haven't considered the rejected quantity and are based on the produced quantity.
Modify the 'Create standard' process to consider the rejected quantity when the used product quantities are calculated.

Hide the 'Quantity rejected' field in the product tab for produced products.

Add a callout to increase/decrease the 'quantity' field when the 'quantity rejected' is modified for used products. In the product tab the 'quantity' field is the total quantity used in the production, including the rejected quantity.
MB, OB3-Reviewed
depends on backport 0008361pi closed gorkaion Work effort: when generating standards, rejected quantity is not taken into account when updating stock. 
depends on backport 0008362pi closed gorkaion Work effort: when generating standards, rejected quantity is not taken into account when updating stock. 
Issue History
2009-02-18 17:48eduardo_ArgalNew Issue
2009-02-18 17:48eduardo_ArgalAssigned To => rafaroda
2009-02-18 17:48eduardo_ArgalRegression testing => No
2009-02-24 13:18psarobeStatusnew => scheduled
2009-02-24 13:18psarobeNote Added: 0014020
2009-02-24 13:18psarobeAssigned Torafaroda => gorkaion
2009-02-24 13:18psarobefix_in_branch => trunk
2009-03-04 17:03gorkaionStatusscheduled => feedback
2009-03-24 12:57eduardo_ArgalStatusfeedback => new
2009-03-24 12:57eduardo_Argalversionpi => 2.35MP5
2009-03-24 12:57eduardo_Argalfix_in_branchpi =>
2009-03-24 13:00eduardo_ArgalTag Attached: MB
2009-03-30 12:55gorkaionProposed Solution updated
2009-03-30 12:55gorkaionSteps to Reproduce Updated
2009-03-31 12:33psarobeStatusnew => scheduled
2009-03-31 12:33psarobefix_in_branch => pi
2010-03-10 11:05eintelauIssue Monitored: eintelau
2010-04-19 06:41eintelauIssue End Monitor: eintelau
2010-04-19 06:41eintelauIssue Monitored: eintelau
2011-10-28 10:38psarobeTypedefect => design defect
2011-10-28 10:38psarobeversion2.35MP5 =>
2011-10-28 10:38psarobefix_in_branchpi =>
2011-10-28 10:38psarobeTag Attached: OB3-Reviewed
2013-06-07 14:54ngarciaIssue Monitored: ngarcia

2009-02-24 13:18   
Please Eargal provide the steps to reproduce the bug