Openbravo Issue Tracking System - Openbravo ERP
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0007530Openbravo ERPA. Platformpublic2009-02-12 14:032009-05-22 19:33
normalminorhave not tried
0007530: Logging Improvements of Process Instance.
At present every process logs into field "errormsg varying(2000)" of the table AD_PINSTANCE. Current solution has a size limitation (to field size) of the saved data.
There is AD_PINSTANCE_LOG table providing infrastructure for logging.
1. Implement function AD_PINSTANCE_LOG_INSERT(UPDATE) providing functionality to insert(update) records into table AD_PINSTANCE_LOG.
2. Look through all functions, that use function AD_PINSTANCE_UPDATE and refactor those of them, which are accumulate final message and save it into field "errormsg" of the table AD_PINSTANCE.
3. Implement new function Utility.getProcessInstanceMessage().
4. Mark old function Utility.getProcessInstanceMessage() as deprecated.
5. New payload for "errormsg" field is to contain final message of the entire process.
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related to defect 0006881 closed artem Create shipments from orders fail if there are too many orders selected 
Issue History
2009-02-12 14:03artemNew Issue
2009-02-12 14:03artemAssigned To => rafaroda
2009-02-12 14:03artemRegression testing => No
2009-02-12 14:08artemRelationship addedrelated to 0006881
2009-02-13 16:51rafarodaAssigned Torafaroda => pjuvara
2009-05-22 19:33pjuvaraAssigned Topjuvara => iciordia

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