Openbravo Issue Tracking System - Openbravo ERP
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0007389Openbravo ERP04. Warehouse managementpublic2009-02-05 13:202012-07-30 16:55
normalmajorhave not tried
0007389: Automatic execution of stock valuation process
Currently, the stock valuation processes have to be executed manually by the user. However, it would be great if these processes would be executed automatically by the system when specific events occur.

For purchased materials, the "Calculate average cost" process should be executed when completing a Goods Receipt.

For produced goods, the "Calculate production costs" process should be executed when completing a Work Effort.
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related to feature request 0003465 closed gorkaion Automatize the AverageCost in Goods Receipts 
Issue History
2009-02-05 13:20jtarbalNew Issue
2009-02-05 13:20jtarbalAssigned To => rafaroda
2009-02-05 13:20jtarbalsf_bug_id0 => 2568110
2009-02-11 11:50rafarodaAssigned Torafaroda => pjuvara
2009-02-17 09:51jtarbalNote Added: 0013553
2011-02-04 09:15jpabloaeAssigned Topjuvara => rmorley
2011-07-20 05:56eintelauIssue Monitored: eintelau
2012-02-01 17:32dmitry_mezentsevRelationship addedrelated to 0003465
2012-07-30 16:54gorkaionStatusnew => scheduled
2012-07-30 16:54gorkaionAssigned Tormorley => gorkaion
2012-07-30 16:54gorkaionfix_in_branch => pi
2012-07-30 16:55gorkaionNote Added: 0050998
2012-07-30 16:55gorkaionStatusscheduled => closed
2012-07-30 16:55gorkaionResolutionopen => fixed
2012-07-30 16:55gorkaionFixed in Version => 3.0MP13

2009-02-17 09:51   
This feature is absolutely necessary when posting the "Goods Receipts" and "Goods Shipments" documents into the accounting as the amounts in the corresponding accounting entries depend on the stock value. Thus, as the stock value is only updated when executing, manually, the stock valuation processes, in order to have the accounting correct, the user should execute manually this process after each reception of goods.

As a conclusion, this feature is needed in all industries where the "Goods Receipts" and "Goods Shipments" need to be posted into the accounting.
2012-07-30 16:55   
new cost engine is processed by an scheduled background process