Openbravo Issue Tracking System - Openbravo ERP
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0007331Openbravo ERPB. User interfacepublic2009-01-29 11:282009-03-03 05:54
highmajorhave not tried
0007331: If a wrong price is entered on an Invoice Line, message is not correct and line net amount is not updated
I create a new Invoice, then I go to lines. After selecting a product, Line net is correct, so I save. Then I modify the unit price by a letter and save. The error message is not correct:
ERROR: null value in column "priceactual" violates not-null constraint

But the Line Net Amount keeps the old value.
1. Create a Sales Invoice
2. Create a line for the invoice
3. Enter a product
4. Save. Verify that Line Net Amount has the correct value.
5. Modify the price changing Unit Price to "asd"
6. Save. A wrong error message is shown. See attach. Note that Line Net Amount keeps the previous value
The error message should be changed to "ERROR: The value for Unit Price is not correct" or something similar.
Since I entered a wrong value in Unit Price and it was replaced by zero, Line Net Amount should be changed to zero too.
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blocks defect 0007216 closed Dowid If a wrong price is entered on an Invoice Line, message is not correct and line net amount is not updated 
Issue History
2009-02-03 09:58psarobeTypedefect => backport
2009-02-03 09:58psarobefix_in_branch => 2.40
2009-02-03 11:17rafarodaAssigned Torafaroda => Dowid
2009-02-12 16:29psarobeNote Added: 0013420
2009-02-23 14:45svnbotCheckin
2009-02-23 14:45svnbotNote Added: 0013942
2009-02-23 14:45svnbotStatusscheduled => resolved
2009-02-23 14:45svnbotResolutionopen => fixed
2009-02-23 14:45svnbotsvn_revision => 13530
2009-03-03 05:54sureshbabuStatusresolved => closed
2009-03-03 05:54sureshbabuNote Added: 0014247
2009-03-03 05:54sureshbabuFixed in Version => trunk

2009-02-12 16:29   
This has to be fixed for all the application and not only for this window
2009-02-23 14:45   
Repository: openbravo
Revision: 13530
Author: dowid
Date: 2009-02-23 14:45:32 +0100 (Mon, 23 Feb 2009)

Bug fixed 0007331: If a wrong price is entered on an Invoice Line, message is not correct and line net amount is not updated

U branches/r2.40/src/org/openbravo/erpCommon/ad_callouts/
U branches/r2.40/src/org/openbravo/erpCommon/utility/
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2009-03-03 05:54   
Retested in context [^]