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0006928Toolsopenbravo2popublic2009-01-15 18:152020-04-13 09:21
closedout of date 
0006928: Some translated strings aren't marked as translated while some others are correctly marked
Running runTemplateMerge from openbravo2po-valuetrl branch (rev 261, the last revision) like with this directory layout:

AD_MENU_TRL_en_US.xml [1]
AD_MENU_TRL_it_IT.xml [2]

ant runTemplateMerge -DoutFold=../new_xml -DinpTempFile=../AD_MENU_TRL_en_US.xml -DinpBaseFile=../AD_MENU_TRL_it_IT.xml

[1] From: [^]

[2] From: [^]

In new_xml folder appears AD_MENU_TRL_it_IT.xml with some lines like:

<row id="360" trl="N">
    <value column="Name" isTrl="N" original="Vendor Expense Invoice">Fatture Spese Fornitore</value>
    <value column="Description" isTrl="Y" original="Create and edit vendor invoices.">Fatture di addebitamento Fornitore</value>

Why the <value column="Name"> is marked as isTrl="N"? It should be marked as isTrl="Y" since the translation and the is different from the original:
original: Vendor Expense Invoice
translation: Fatture Spese Fornitore

It should work as in the <value column="Description">. This one is correctly marked as isTrl="Y".

Seems some strings <value>'s are correctly marked as translated and some others aren't.

Which is the logical to add a isTrl="N" or isTrl="Y" for each <value>? Where is this logic coded?

No tags attached.
bz2 bug6928.tar.bz2 (27,379) 2009-02-12 10:08
zip (2,106) 2009-02-24 10:50
Issue History
2009-01-15 18:15gforcadaNew Issue
2009-01-23 16:37jordimasIssue Monitored: jordimas
2009-01-27 12:07pheenanStatusnew => scheduled
2009-01-27 12:07pheenanAssigned To => pheenan
2009-01-27 12:07pheenanfix_in_branch => trunk
2009-02-09 19:03pheenanNote Added: 0013277
2009-02-09 19:06pheenanStatusscheduled => closed
2009-02-09 19:06pheenanNote Added: 0013278
2009-02-09 19:06pheenanResolutionopen => unable to reproduce
2009-02-12 10:07gforcadaNote Added: 0013387
2009-02-12 10:07gforcadaStatusclosed => new
2009-02-12 10:07gforcadaResolutionunable to reproduce => open
2009-02-12 10:07gforcadaNote Added: 0013388
2009-02-12 10:08gforcadaFile Added: bug6928.tar.bz2
2009-02-12 10:08gforcadaNote Added: 0013389
2009-02-12 10:10gforcadaNote Added: 0013390
2009-02-24 10:50gforcadaNote Added: 0013995
2009-02-24 10:50gforcadaFile Added:
2009-03-31 20:42rmorleyAssigned Topheenan =>
2009-03-31 20:42rmorleySeveritymajor => critical
2011-03-29 16:40dalsasuaAssigned To => alostale
2011-03-29 16:40dalsasuaSeveritycritical => major
2011-03-29 16:40dalsasuafix_in_branchpi =>
2020-04-13 09:21alostaleStatusnew => closed
2020-04-13 09:21alostaleResolutionopen => out of date

2009-02-09 19:03   
I have tried to reproduce this issue using the two files mentioned and the current subversion version of openbravo2po-valuetrl. When running the test using these two files I have confirmed that both values in the rowid 360 are marked as isTrl="Y".

<row id="360" trl="Y">
 800 <value column="Name" isTrl="Y" original="Vendor Expense Invoice">Fatture Spese Fornitore</value>
 801 <value column="Description" isTrl="Y" original="Create and edit vendor invoices.">Fatture di addebitamento Fornitore</value>
 802 </row>
2009-02-09 19:06   
ant runTemplateMerge -DoutFold=/tmp/xmlOut -DinpTempFile=tests/resources/templateMerge/template/AD_MENU_TRL_en_US.xml -DinpBaseFile=tests/resources/templateMerge/base/AD_MENU_TRL_it_IT.xml

This is the command I ran to try to reproduce this issue and was not able to replicate the problem. Also looked at the rowId in the initial issue and both values show as isTrl="Y"
2009-02-12 10:07   
Seems isn't fixed, while the row 360 is correctly marked as translated, another row (1000500000) is marked as isTrl="N":

<row id="1000500000" trl="N">
 <value column="Name" isTrl="N" original="Pareto Product Report">Report Articolo Pareto</value>
 <value column="Description" isTrl="N" original="Pareto Product Report">Report Articolo Pareto</value>

I have updated the code, now rev 271 from valuetrl branch, ran "ant jar" and then the same command you posted in your last note.

I'm using java 6 in an Ubuntu 8.10 system (don't know if it helps).
2009-02-12 10:07   
Opening again since seems it's not fixed.
2009-02-12 10:08   
I have uploaded the files I used (in the top dir) and the output is in the output subfolder
2009-02-12 10:10   
(sorry for so many messages)

Openbravo2PO has any kind of verbosity mode, maybe it helps you to debug what happens in my system if you are unable to reproduce it.
2009-02-24 10:50   
Seems revision 279 didn't fix this bug :(

With the new files attached a string is marked as not-translated while it's translated.

<row id="1000019" trl="N">
  <value column="Name" isTrl="N" original="Not payed DPs that are over date planned ">DP non pagati che sono al di fuori delle date pianificate</value>

I used the following commands:

$ ant jar
$ ant runTemplateMerge -DoutFold=.. -DinpTempFile=../files/AD_ALERTRULE_TRL_en_US.xml -DinpBaseFile=../files/AD_ALERTRULE_TRL_it_IT.xml
$ ant runXML2PO -DinpFold=../ -DoutFold=../ -DmatchingMsgStr=no -Dfile=AD_ALERTRULE_TRL_it_IT.xml

Note that since the statistics are generated from the po file the stats are right but the xml description not (the isTrl="N" should be isTrl="Y")