Openbravo Issue Tracking System - Openbravo ERP
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0006853Openbravo ERP04. Warehouse managementpublic2009-01-12 18:192011-02-04 09:15
0006853: More details on internal movements in Product Movements Report
In Product Movements Report, you can see internal movements between diferent warehouses, but you can't know which warehouses are involved. It only shows XYZ positions but nothing related to warehouses or storage bins.

If it is possible to see this kind of movements, a better explanation should be shown.
Clean-up, ReleaseCandidate
Issue History
2009-01-12 18:19networkbNew Issue
2009-01-12 18:19networkbAssigned To => rafaroda
2009-01-12 18:19networkbsf_bug_id0 => 2501881
2009-01-12 18:19networkbRegression testing => No
2009-01-12 18:20rafarodaAssigned Torafaroda => pjuvara
2009-01-14 13:57pjuvaraTag Attached: Clean-up
2009-01-14 13:57pjuvaraTag Attached: ReleaseCandidate
2009-01-14 13:57pjuvaraStatusnew => acknowledged
2009-01-15 16:48rafarodaPriorityimmediate => high
2009-01-30 00:30pjuvaraSummaryProduct Movements Report should show better information about internal movements => More details on internal movements in Product Movements Report
2011-02-04 09:15jpabloaeAssigned Topjuvara => rmorley

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