Openbravo Issue Tracking System - Openbravo ERP
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0006604Openbravo ERP00. Application dictionarypublic2008-12-17 11:342009-05-22 19:26
0006604: Module packages should be generated in an isolated way
Currently packaging for WAD generated windows within modules is as follows:

Combo reload classes are all in the same package: org.openbravo.erpCommon.ad_callouts.

And the same for generated action buttons: org.openbravo.erpCommon.ad_actionButton

All this makes that the source for a module cannot be find in a single place but it is distributed in several directories. The same is applicable for compiled classes, making not possible to completely package the module in a binary file in a isolated way.

Note that if window generation evolves in a way that dynamically generates all generated code not generating java classes anymore this will not be a problem anymore.
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Issue History
2008-12-17 11:34alostaleNew Issue
2008-12-17 11:34alostaleAssigned To => rafaroda
2008-12-17 11:34alostalesf_bug_id0 => 2439264
2008-12-17 11:34alostaleRegression testing => No
2008-12-17 15:31rafarodaAssigned Torafaroda => pjuvara
2009-05-22 19:26pjuvaraAssigned Topjuvara => iciordia

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