Openbravo Issue Tracking System - Openbravo ERP
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0006498Openbravo ERPB. User interfacepublic2008-12-11 17:432008-12-19 16:47
0006498: Bad terminology in Process Request window
In General Setup > Process Scheduling > Process Request you can request system processes to either run immediately or at a later date. The Timing option controls the scheduling of the process and there are three options:

immediately (self explanatory)
later (process runs once at the time and date specified).
scheduled (process runs recurrently at the date and time specified). If an end date and time is not specified the process runs indefinitely.

IMO, the distinction between "Later" and "Scheduled" is difficult for the user to make, because if something is scheduled it is inherently later. The distinction is between a recurrent / ongoing task and a one off, discrete task.
The options could possibly be narrowed to 2: "Now" and "Scheduled" with appropriate dimming logic to help the user choose between the recurrent task or the one-off.

Alternatively the labels could be changed to something like

"Scheduled one-time"
"Scheduled recurrent"
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blocks feature request 0000504 scheduled rgoris Label clean up - umbrella 
Issue History
2008-12-11 17:43rachelJohnstonNew Issue
2008-12-11 17:43rachelJohnstonAssigned To => rgoris
2008-12-11 17:43rachelJohnstonsf_bug_id0 => 2417647
2008-12-11 17:43rachelJohnstonRegression testing => No
2008-12-19 16:46rgorisNote Added: 0011613
2008-12-19 16:46rgorisStatusnew => acknowledged
2008-12-19 16:47rgorisRelationship addedblocks 0000504

2008-12-19 16:46   
Confusing indeed. I think renaming the labels as you propose, removes this confusion:

"Scheduled one-time"
"Scheduled recurrent"