Openbravo Issue Tracking System - Openbravo ERP
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0006378Openbravo ERPA. Platformpublic2008-12-05 11:042012-01-30 10:37
0006378: Foreign Key ID fields have wrong fieldlength of 12, should be 32
I noticed that there are many foreign key id fields which have their field length set to 12. With uuid's the correct length is 32.
You can find all columns with fieldlength 12 like this:
select * from ad_column where fieldlength=12

Note, this query will also return non-foreign-key fields for which it can make sense to have fieldlength=12, this needs to be analyzed.

The same issue occurred with primary key fields which had their fieldlength set to 12, but I will solve this later today.
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duplicate of design defect 0006401 acknowledged marvintm Many foreign key ID fields have fieldlength set to 22, Is this correct? Afaik ID's are uuid which are always 32 
Issue History
2008-12-05 11:04mtaalNew Issue
2008-12-05 11:04mtaalAssigned To => rafaroda
2008-12-05 11:04mtaalsf_bug_id0 => 2392262
2008-12-05 11:04mtaalRegression testing => No
2008-12-09 13:02pheenanAssigned Torafaroda => Hennadzi
2008-12-09 14:31PavelPonomarevAssigned ToHennadzi => pheenan
2008-12-09 23:31pheenanStatusnew => acknowledged
2008-12-18 10:20rafarodaRelationship addedrelated to 0006401
2008-12-18 10:20rafarodaAssigned Topheenan => rafaroda
2009-01-10 17:41rafarodaAssigned Torafaroda => marvintm
2012-01-30 10:36marvintmStatusacknowledged => scheduled
2012-01-30 10:36marvintmfix_in_branch => pi
2012-01-30 10:37marvintmRelationship replacedduplicate of 0006401
2012-01-30 10:37marvintmNote Added: 0044683
2012-01-30 10:37marvintmStatusscheduled => closed
2012-01-30 10:37marvintmResolutionopen => duplicate

2012-01-30 10:37   
This is a duplicate of issue 6401