Openbravo Issue Tracking System - Openbravo ERP
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0005946Openbravo ERPA. Platformpublic2008-11-13 10:092009-05-22 19:33
normalmajorhave not tried
0005946: When an update.database fails you shouldn't be able to acess to the application.
-When you do an update.database after solve conflicts depending on how did you solve conflicts the process can fails becausesome constraints can not be enabled.
-In this case the update.database process is stopped but you can access to the application. Accessing to the application in this situation can
be dangerous because you are able to delete rows of tables were the constraints are not enabled and you shouldn't be able to do this.
-I think that you shouldn't access to application until you have solve problems and have done a successfully update.database.
-When the process of updating.database fails, a new column in a table of the application could be filled saying that the application is not enabled. Then
the login process should check this column to permit or avoid access to the application.
This verification could be extended to the export.database process. For example, avoid to do an export.database until you have done a successfully update.database.
Issue History
2008-11-13 10:09networkbNew Issue
2008-11-14 11:15jpabloaeNote Added: 0010277
2008-11-26 17:17pjuvaraProject@4@ => Openbravo ERP
2008-11-26 17:17pjuvaraTag Attached: ReleaseCandidate
2008-11-26 17:17pjuvaraAssigned To => pjuvara
2008-11-26 17:17pjuvaraStatusnew => acknowledged
2008-11-26 17:18pjuvaraCategory => A. Platform
2008-12-02 13:02jaimetorresf_bug_id0 => 2377111
2009-05-22 19:33pjuvaraAssigned Topjuvara => iciordia

2008-11-14 11:15   
A suggestion:

Sometimes a "BUILD SUCCESSFUL" doesn't guarantee that all the update.database operations have been successful. Because of this, it could be good to add a "sanity check" after every update.database command, so it could verify that all the constraints are correctly enabled, for instance. If this sanity check fails, we could add a warning or prevent the access.