Openbravo Issue Tracking System - Openbravo ERP
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0005864Openbravo ERPY. DBSourceManagerpublic2008-11-06 18:162009-04-22 00:00
0005864: Update.database.mod could cause problems when dependant modules are installed out of order
If update.database.mod is used, and a list of dependant modules is provided, there could be problems when modules are not provided in strict dependency order.

The reason for this is that constraints are disabled and enabled for each of the installed modules, and the database could not be in a consistent state when some modules have been inserted, but others not.
Just do an update.database.mod with a list of wrongly-ordered dependant modules.
We will change the update.database.mod task so that constraints are disabled at the begining of the data changes, and enabled at the end, and will update all the modules in between.
Issue History
2008-11-06 18:16marvintmNew Issue
2008-11-06 18:16marvintmStatusnew => scheduled
2008-11-06 18:16marvintmAssigned To => marvintm
2008-11-06 18:16marvintmfix_in_branch => trunk
2008-11-06 18:21svnbotCheckin
2008-11-06 18:21svnbotNote Added: 0010053
2008-11-06 18:21svnbotStatusscheduled => resolved
2008-11-06 18:21svnbotResolutionopen => fixed
2008-11-06 18:21svnbotsvn_revision => 166
2008-11-06 18:21svnbotCheckin
2008-11-06 18:21svnbotNote Added: 0010054
2008-11-06 18:21svnbotsvn_revision166 => 9765
2008-12-18 12:38jpabloaeSticky IssueNo => Yes
2008-12-18 12:39jpabloaeSticky IssueYes => No
2008-12-18 12:39jpabloaeTag Attached: dbsm_migrate
2008-12-18 12:41jpabloaeProject@4@ => Openbravo ERP
2008-12-18 12:41jpabloaeCategory => Y. DBSourceManager
2009-04-21 11:07psarobeStatusresolved => closed
2009-04-22 00:00anonymoussf_bug_id0 => 2777911

2008-11-06 18:21   
Repository: dbsourcemanager
Revision: 166
Author: marvintm
Date: 2008-11-06 18:21:08 +0100 (Thu, 06 Nov 2008)

Fixed issue 5864. In update.database.mod, constraints will be disabled and enabled just once, and the data for all the modules will be updated in between.

U branches/dbsmmodularity/src/org/openbravo/ddlutils/task/
--- [^]
2008-11-06 18:21   
Repository: openbravo
Revision: 9765
Author: marvintm
Date: 2008-11-06 18:21:31 +0100 (Thu, 06 Nov 2008)

Fixed issue 5864. In update.database.mod, constraints will be disabled and enabled just once, and the data for all the modules will be updated in between.

U branches/modularity/src-db/database/lib/dbsourcemanager.jar
U branches/modularity/src-db/database/lib/dbsourcemanagerlight.jar
--- [^]