Openbravo Issue Tracking System - Retail Modules
View Issue Details
0058162Retail ModulesCopy Retail Storepublic2025-03-06 12:402025-03-07 11:22
0058162: Copy Retail Store doesnt copy all parameteres as expected.
When doing CRS, the new created store doesnt have the right values in some windows / fields.
On livebuilds, do a CRS of Store 'Vall Blanca Store' and create a new store with name 'T000 - TEMPLATE' and Search Key 'T000'
Once CRS is done, check the following parameters:

Business Partner --> Name is 'T000 - VBS Customer' when it should be T000 - TEMPLATE
Also, business partners should be created at the same level as the one in the original Store. I.E: Original Store has a Business Partner defined at legal entity, new BP should be created at legal entity too instead of at store level

Channel TouchPoint --> Original Vall Blanca TouchPoint has Search Key 'VBS2-1' and name 'VBS2 POS Terminal'. Copied TouchPoint has Search key 'T0002-1' (OK) and name 'T0002-1' (KO). It should be 'T0002 POS Terminal'

Channel TouchPoint --> Prefixes arent being copied. When creating prefixes for the new touchpoint CRS should:
If no prefix exists leave it empty.
If prefix exist, it should keep the same format as in the original store only updating the search key.
Original Store Searcxh Key = VBS2-1
Original Store Simplified Invoice Sequence Prefix = VBS2-1SIMPINV
T000 Store Search Key = T0002-1
Simplified Invoice Sequence Prefix should be ---> T0002-1SIMPINV

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png CRS_1.png (91,504) 2025-03-06 12:40
Issue History
2025-03-06 12:40XABIER_AGUADONew Issue
2025-03-06 12:40XABIER_AGUADOAssigned To => Retail
2025-03-06 12:40XABIER_AGUADOFile Added: CRS_1.png
2025-03-06 12:40XABIER_AGUADOTriggers an Emergency Pack => No
2025-03-07 11:22XABIER_AGUADOSteps to Reproduce Updatedbug_revision_view_page.php?rev_id=29322#r29322

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