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0058160Openbravo LocalizationsLocalization Portugalpublic2025-03-06 11:532025-03-06 11:54
normalmajorhave not tried
0058160: Unexpected tax exemption error on the SAF-T extraction
I get the error below while extracting the SAF-T file including tax exempt rates (please note that I’m referring to the anual SAF-T file, not to the monthly E-Fatura file).

Steps to reproduce:

Login a PT POS.

Do some sales, including an exempt tax rate.

The tax rate set as ‘Tax Exempt’ = true in Tax Rate window.

The tax rate has any ‘Tax Check’ tax user input value defined.

Go to the backoffice. Make sure your sales were synch and fiscalized into the sales invoice window.

In the backoffice, open the ‘Export SAF-T’ window.

Create a new record indicating the current year in the Fiscal Year field. Save.

In the backoffice, open the ‘Process Request’ window.

Create and schedule a ‘Export SAFT PT' request.

Check the process monitor.

Please consider that the exemption reason is managed by the tax user input value after the migration to REACT.
I get the error below while extracting the SAF-T file including tax exempt rates (please note that I’m referring to the anual SAF-T file, not to the monthly E-Fatura file).

Steps to reproduce:

Login a PT POS.

Do some sales, including an exempt tax rate.

The tax rate set as ‘Tax Exempt’ = true in Tax Rate window.

The tax rate has any ‘Tax Check’ tax user input value defined.

Go to the backoffice. Make sure your sales were synch and fiscalized into the sales invoice window.

In the backoffice, open the ‘Export SAF-T’ window.

Create a new record indicating the current year in the Fiscal Year field. Save.

In the backoffice, open the ‘Process Request’ window.

Create and schedule a ‘Export SAFT PT' request.

Check the process monitor.

Please consider that the exemption reason is managed by the tax user input value after the migration to REACT.
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Issue History
2025-03-06 11:53jonaeNew Issue
2025-03-06 11:53jonaeAssigned To => Sathishkumar
2025-03-06 11:54jonaeNote Added: 0176528

2025-03-06 11:54   
Jira - [^]