Openbravo Issue Tracking System - POS2
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0058139POS2POSpublic2025-03-05 07:522025-03-06 10:29
0058139: When doing a CR the payment method is changed to default payment method
When we do a normal sales order and then do a cancel and replace on it, and the payment method is changed to the default one.
1) Add Product and complete the ticket with "Card" payment
2) Reopen the ticket
3) Do Cancel and Replace
4) Complete the ticket again without any changes
In Backoffice
Original Order Payment Method = Wire Transfer
Cancelled Order Payment Method = Wire Transfer
Replaced Order Payment Method = Cash <-- KO. It should be "Wire Transfer"
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related to defect 0049849 closed ranjith_qualiantech_com Retail Modules When doing a cancel and replace the payment method is changed to correspond to a default payment method 
Issue History
2025-03-05 07:52ranjith_qualiantech_comNew Issue
2025-03-05 07:52ranjith_qualiantech_comAssigned To => ranjith_qualiantech_com
2025-03-05 07:52ranjith_qualiantech_comTriggers an Emergency Pack => No
2025-03-05 10:34ranjith_qualiantech_comRelationship addedrelated to 0049849
2025-03-06 10:29ranjith_qualiantech_comStatusnew => scheduled

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