Openbravo Issue Tracking System - POS2
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0058119POS2Corepublic2025-02-28 20:482025-03-05 09:54
0058119: [Copy Retail Store] The anonymous customer does not change the currency
Suppose the organization from which the information is being copied has a different currency than the one that is being set in the process parameters. In that case, the new anonymous customer is left with the currency of the organization that was copied and not the one it should have.

Video reproducing the error in the last version of live builds attached.
-Open the windows Copy Retail Store
-Choose an organization with currency EUR
-In the parameters of the process, set the currency CAD
-Execute the process and wait for it to finish.
-After the execution, go to the Business Partner windows and look for the new customer created
-You will see that this new customer had the currency with EUR instead of CAD
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? anonymousBPcurrencyCRS.mp4 (2,452,018) 2025-02-28 20:48
Issue History
2025-02-28 20:48ivazquezNew Issue
2025-02-28 20:48ivazquezAssigned To => Triage Platform Base
2025-02-28 20:48ivazquezFile Added: anonymousBPcurrencyCRS.mp4
2025-02-28 20:48ivazquezTriggers an Emergency Pack => No
2025-03-04 08:40alostaleAssigned ToTriage Platform Base => Retail
2025-03-05 09:54migueldejuanaStatusnew => scheduled
2025-03-05 09:54migueldejuanaAssigned ToRetail => Rajesh_18

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