Openbravo Issue Tracking System - Retail Modules
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0058068Retail ModulesDiscounts Combopublic2025-02-25 12:542025-02-25 12:54
0058068: Combo min/max amounts of items per family are not used properly
When defining the family of a combo, you can configure how many items are needed for each family for it to be valid.

The Combo Wizard only takes into account the minimum, not the maximum nor the inbetween values. So only the minimum amount of items can be added per family in order to create the Combo.
The family of a combo can have between the required minimum, and the maximum allowed.

As defined in the wiki:
Quantity: Minimum number of items required to complete the family. Note this number can be obtained by summing units of the different products in the family.
Max quantity: Maximum number of items that can be used to complete the family. This value can not be less than the Quantity field value. If not value is defined then it will be ignored.

The combo has the Family1 to be configured as follows:

Quantity 2
Max quantity 3

But it only accepts the family as valid if the minimum amount of products is added, once it surpasses that value it stops being ok.

In our example we added 3 units for a family that requires minimum 2, but allows 2 to 3.

Check attached image.
The quantities in between the minimum allowed and the maximum, both included, should result in a valid family when creating the combo through the Wizard in WebPOS
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png FamilyItems.png (65,654) 2025-02-25 12:54
Issue History
2025-02-25 12:54ferran_nicasiNew Issue
2025-02-25 12:54ferran_nicasiAssigned To => Retail
2025-02-25 12:54ferran_nicasiFile Added: FamilyItems.png
2025-02-25 12:54ferran_nicasiTriggers an Emergency Pack => No

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