Openbravo Issue Tracking System - POS2 |
View Issue Details |
ID | Project | Category | View Status | Date Submitted | Last Update |
0058057 | POS2 | Core | public | 2025-02-24 09:09 | 2025-02-24 10:27 |
Reporter | adrianromero | |
Assigned To | ander_flores | |
Priority | urgent | Severity | major | Reproducibility | always |
Status | closed | Resolution | fixed | |
Platform | | OS | 5 | OS Version | |
Product Version | | |
Target Version | 25Q1 | Fixed in Version | | |
Merge Request Status | |
Review Assigned To | |
OBNetwork customer | |
Support ticket | |
Regression level | |
Regression date | |
Regression introduced in release | |
Regression introduced by commit | |
Triggers an Emergency Pack | No |
Summary | 0058057: when product activation pop up is opened in the POS, use the scan to fill serial number, is trying to add a product |
Description | When the pop up is opened the cursor is in a field and when scanning an EAN (User for approval or serial number for product activation). POS is trying to add an EAN and display the pop up :
Unknown product
The product EAN that you scanned is not recognized (see attachment)
For product activation, it is a big issue because they have ID to enter with more of 20 digits and an error can be activate a bad product |
Steps To Reproduce | Configure product activation
Add a product in POS with product activation
Scan an EAN
Proposed Solution | Update the behaviour of this inputs, so that instead of triggering the scan event handler, the scanned code is pasted into the input |
Additional Information | |
Tags | No tags attached. |
Relationships | depends on | defect | 0057905 | | closed | ander_flores | when product activation pop up is opened in the POS, use the scan to fill serial number, is trying to add a product |
Attached Files | |
Issue History |
Date Modified | Username | Field | Change |
2025-02-24 09:09 | adrianromero | New Issue | |
2025-02-24 09:09 | adrianromero | Assigned To | => ander_flores |
2025-02-24 09:09 | adrianromero | Triggers an Emergency Pack | => No |
2025-02-24 09:09 | adrianromero | Issue generated from | 0057905 |
2025-02-24 09:09 | adrianromero | Relationship added | depends on 0057905 |
2025-02-24 10:25 | hgbot | Note Added: 0176068 | |
2025-02-24 10:27 | hgbot | Resolution | open => fixed |
2025-02-24 10:27 | hgbot | Status | new => closed |
2025-02-24 10:27 | hgbot | Note Added: 0176070 | |
2025-02-24 10:27 | hgbot | Note Added: 0176071 | |