Openbravo Issue Tracking System - Modules
View Issue Details
0058035ModulesDistribution Orderspublic2025-02-19 20:102025-02-20 10:27
normalmajorhave not tried
0058035: Distribution orders not working without advancedwarehouseoperations
In an environment with Distribution orders installed but without AWO modules, the Warehouse selector is not working.
- Create an environment without AWO modules and distribution orders.
- Do an install sources
- In the BO, import the Distribution Orders datasets
- Go to Distribution Order Issue
- Click on the Warehouse Selector

Check that an error is risen in the openbravo.log (attached)
In the WarehouseIssueSelectorFilterExpression class, check before adding the AND if sb.toString() is empty.
No tags attached.
related to defect 0057944 closed AtulOpenbravo Distribution orders not working without advancedwarehouseoperations 
Issue History
2025-02-19 20:10AtulOpenbravoNew Issue
2025-02-19 20:10AtulOpenbravoAssigned To => AtulOpenbravo
2025-02-19 20:10AtulOpenbravoIssue generated from0057944
2025-02-19 20:10AtulOpenbravoRelationship addedrelated to 0057944
2025-02-19 20:11AtulOpenbravoStatusnew => scheduled
2025-02-19 20:11AtulOpenbravoSeveritytrivial => major
2025-02-20 04:12hgbotNote Added: 0175937
2025-02-20 04:16AtulOpenbravoNote Added: 0175940
2025-02-20 10:27hgbotResolutionopen => fixed
2025-02-20 10:27hgbotStatusscheduled => closed
2025-02-20 10:27hgbotNote Added: 0175955
2025-02-20 10:27hgbotNote Added: 0175956

2025-02-20 04:12   
Merge Request created: [^]
2025-02-20 04:16   
- Create an environment without AWO modules and distribution orders i.e (Core + module >> org.openbravo.retail.config and org.openbravo.distributionorder all in 25Q1 version)
- Do an install sources
- In the BO, import the Distribution Orders datasets
- Go to Distribution Order Issue
- Click on the Warehouse Selector
- Realize that selector works properly and shows options to select in it.
2025-02-20 10:27   
Directly closing issue as related merge request is already approved.

Repository: [^]
Changeset: 3206441fa01a5421f10eebc4e7fbe2e556b4c3e9
Author: Atul Gaware <>
Date: 20-02-2025 08:40:03
URL: [^]

Fixes ISSUE-0058035: Distribution orders not working without

**Make sure the selector filters expression appends the AND clause
only when there is additional warehouse filter

** Fix issue package org.apache.commons.lang3 does not exist

M src/org/openbravo/distributionorder/actionHandler/
M src/org/openbravo/distributionorder/filterexpression/
M src/org/openbravo/distributionorder/info/
M src/org/openbravo/distributionorder/info/
2025-02-20 10:27   
Merge request merged: [^]