Openbravo Issue Tracking System - POS2 |
View Issue Details |
ID | Project | Category | View Status | Date Submitted | Last Update |
0058015 | POS2 | POS | public | 2025-02-17 10:28 | 2025-02-20 10:36 |
Reporter | jayala | |
Assigned To | cberner | |
Priority | normal | Severity | major | Reproducibility | have not tried |
Status | closed | Resolution | fixed | |
Platform | | OS | 5 | OS Version | |
Product Version | | |
Target Version | 24Q4.2 | Fixed in Version | 24Q4.1 | |
Merge Request Status | |
Review Assigned To | |
OBNetwork customer | |
Support ticket | |
Regression level | |
Regression date | 2025-02-13 |
Regression introduced in release | main |
Regression introduced by commit | [^] |
Triggers an Emergency Pack | No |
Summary | 0058015: POS2 is blocked after a logout and login with an Order loaded |
Description | At POS2 and having an Order loaded in Terminal, if logout and then login is performed, the user can't use the Terminal anymore, a message "The application needs to be refreshed in order to update its state." is shown, and it keeps refreshing with the same message in an infinite loop. |
Steps To Reproduce | 1. Login WebPOS
1. Go to Orders window and load any Order.
2. With the Order loaded, logout.
3. Log in again.
4. The message is shown and the Terminal is useless.
* This also happens if the Terminal is locked automatically by timeout. |
Proposed Solution | |
Additional Information | |
Tags | No tags attached. |
Relationships | blocks | defect | 0058000 | | closed | cberner | POS2 is blocked after a logout and login with an Order loaded |
Attached Files | |
Issue History |
Date Modified | Username | Field | Change |
2025-02-18 13:16 | cberner | Type | defect => backport |
2025-02-18 13:16 | cberner | Target Version | => 24Q4.2 |
2025-02-18 13:18 | hgbot | Note Added: 0175817 | |
2025-02-20 10:36 | hgbot | Resolution | open => fixed |
2025-02-20 10:36 | hgbot | Status | scheduled => closed |
2025-02-20 10:36 | hgbot | Note Added: 0175959 | |
2025-02-20 10:36 | hgbot | Fixed in Version | => 24Q4.1 |
2025-02-20 10:36 | hgbot | Note Added: 0175960 | |