Openbravo Issue Tracking System - Retail Modules
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0057970Retail ModulesRetail APIpublic2025-02-13 09:502025-02-13 11:37
0057970: Product Media API Improvements
Current Swagger information for the Product Media API is lacking in some fields. Their descriptions / informations must be updated so the clients can easily work with the API.
Check the livebuilds discount API and update the missing fields.
Update expected values + provide examples + update descriptions for all required fields:

Description: The sequence indicates the priority of the grid configuration.

Name: previewMediaUrl
Description: Preview image to be displayed in case of the media being a video.

Name: isVisible
Description: A flag indicating whether this media is visible or not.

Name: isActive
Description: A flag indicating whether this record is available for use or de-activated.

Name: touchpointType
Description: Touchpoint Type name

Name: url
Description: An address which can be accessed via internet.

Name: size
Description: Defines the Size of the Media which with one of the following values:
Example: BASE

Issue History
2025-02-13 09:50XABIER_AGUADONew Issue
2025-02-13 09:50XABIER_AGUADOAssigned To => Retail
2025-02-13 09:50XABIER_AGUADOTriggers an Emergency Pack => No
2025-02-13 09:50XABIER_AGUADOTag Attached: FASH
2025-02-13 09:51XABIER_AGUADOSeverityminor => major
2025-02-13 11:37XABIER_AGUADOProposed Solution updated

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