Openbravo Issue Tracking System - POS2
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0057900POS2POSpublic2024-06-04 15:242025-02-20 03:52
normalmajorunable to reproduce
0057900: [24Q2] Exchange is possible between products that are not similar except regarding the allowed variant value
As described in the specification designed for SMCP, and as reviewed with Matthieu Ahn:
With the constraint module, the Exchange button should be available if the two products are similar except regarding the allowed variant value

Because for now, if two products have a characteristic, no matter the value, they can be exchanged (meaning in SMCP context in which all the products have a variant Size, that all products can be exchanged within each other)
In the backoffice, for products A (ex: Alpine Poles) and product B (ex: Glide Wax), the characteristic 'Brand' is defined as 'Variant' = Y and 'Allow Exchange' = Y
(See BO Variant allowed product A.png and BO Variant allowed product B.png)

Login in POS with a correct user on the channel touchpoint
Finalize a sale of a product A
Return the line / Create a complete verified return on the previous sale
Add a product B
Click on the product line of the product added or of the returned line
Click on 'Exchange'
=> A snackbar should be displayed at the bottom with the message: "No product was found that is allowed to be exchanged for this product." because product A and product B are not similar except regarding the allowed variant value
As described in the specification [^]
See Spec Constraint exchange.png

Here, the exchange is possible because the two products have the characteristic 'Brand'
(Cannot show a screenshot because product exchange is actually KO in Livebuilds even with the same product - see POS Exchange product KO.png)
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blocks defect 0055674 closed gaboflash [24Q2] Exchange is possible between products that are not similar except regarding the allowed variant value 
Issue History
2025-02-07 07:52jorgewederagoTypedefect => backport
2025-02-07 07:52jorgewederagoTarget Version => 25Q1
2025-02-19 19:49hgbotNote Added: 0175922
2025-02-19 19:52hgbotNote Added: 0175923
2025-02-20 03:51hgbotNote Added: 0175929
2025-02-20 03:51hgbotNote Added: 0175932
2025-02-20 03:52jorgewederagoStatusscheduled => resolved
2025-02-20 03:52jorgewederagoResolutionopen => fixed
2025-02-20 03:52jorgewederagoStatusresolved => closed

2025-02-19 19:49   
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2025-02-20 03:51   
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