Openbravo Issue Tracking System - POS2
View Issue Details
0057895POS2POSpublic2025-02-06 15:062025-02-10 09:30
0057895: [25Q1] Filters such as "Created" or "Order No" do not work in Android smartphone to switch between orders
Using an Android smartphone, at the moment of filtering / ordering the present Orders, those filters do not work.
(Could have same behaviour in iOS devices, not tested).
0-Using an Android device in portrait mode, login POS2 as vallblanca.
1-Tap "New Order" button several times to create several orders.
2-Tap "Switch Order" button. Tap "Not defined" button next to "Sort by" and choose "Created".
3-Click in the arrow next to "Created" and realise there is no changes. DEFECT: Filters are not working.
No tags attached.
jpg SwitchOrdersAndroidDevice.jpg (218,838) 2025-02-06 15:06
Issue History
2025-02-06 15:06lorenzofidalgoNew Issue
2025-02-06 15:06lorenzofidalgoAssigned To => Retail
2025-02-06 15:06lorenzofidalgoFile Added: SwitchOrdersAndroidDevice.jpg
2025-02-06 15:06lorenzofidalgoTriggers an Emergency Pack => No
2025-02-06 15:34guillermogilAssigned ToRetail => jorgewederago
2025-02-10 08:28jorgewederagoNote Added: 0175370
2025-02-10 08:28jorgewederagoStatusnew => closed
2025-02-10 08:28jorgewederagoResolutionopen => invalid
2025-02-10 09:30lorenzofidalgoNote Added: 0175374

2025-02-10 08:28   
The same behavior can bee seen in landscape POS. This is due the fact that those orders to not have value in any of those columns so it is not possible to use them to sort
2025-02-10 09:30   
As an additional note:
This issue is taking place because those tickets are Local Drafts. In case they were not, the filter work properly. The one presented here is an very uncommon flow, although it could happen and the filtering would not take place.