Openbravo Issue Tracking System - Retail Modules
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0057887Retail ModulesWeb POSpublic2025-02-06 12:102025-03-06 09:18
normalmajorhave not tried
0057887: RM-20996 [PT] - Prefixes are created when doing a Copy Terminal. It shouldn't
When doing a copy terminal in BO on a Portugal store, the prefixes are created and they should not.

Link to JIRA: [^]
Steps :

Log in BO and go to Organization window

Show the organization tree and go to Portugal legal entity

in the subtab SAF-T PT Terminal Prefix, the prefix of the terminal I want to create doesn’t exist (for instance 017309)

Go to Channel - Touchpoint window and do a copy terminal from the terminal 017301

Create the terminal 017309

Go back to organization window and refresh the page of the SAF-T PT Terminal Prefix

Current result : the prefixes have been created

Expected result : The prefixes shouldn’t be created as we should add them manually by clicking on Change Prefixes button.

No tags attached.
depends on backport 0058156RR25Q1 closed psanjuan RM-20996 [PT] - Prefixes are created when doing a Copy Terminal. It shouldn't 
depends on backport 0058157RR24Q4.2 closed psanjuan RM-20996 [PT] - Prefixes are created when doing a Copy Terminal. It shouldn't 
Issue History
2025-02-06 12:10SathishkumarNew Issue
2025-02-06 12:10SathishkumarAssigned To => psanjuan
2025-02-07 06:36hgbotNote Added: 0175244
2025-02-07 08:47inaki_azkonobietaIssue Monitored: inaki_azkonobieta
2025-03-06 08:34hgbotNote Added: 0176512
2025-03-06 08:34hgbotResolutionopen => fixed
2025-03-06 08:34hgbotStatusnew => closed
2025-03-06 08:34hgbotNote Added: 0176513
2025-03-06 09:16jonaeStatusclosed => new
2025-03-06 09:16jonaeResolutionfixed => open
2025-03-06 09:17jonaeProjectOpenbravo Localizations => Retail Modules
2025-03-06 09:18jonaeTriggers an Emergency Pack => No
2025-03-06 09:18jonaeCategoryLocalization Portugal => Web POS
2025-03-06 09:18jonaeSteps to Reproduce Updatedbug_revision_view_page.php?rev_id=29309#r29309
2025-03-06 09:18jonaeStatusnew => scheduled
2025-03-06 09:18jonaeStatusscheduled => resolved
2025-03-06 09:18jonaeResolutionopen => fixed
2025-03-06 09:18jonaeStatusresolved => closed

2025-02-07 06:36   
Merge Request created: [^]
2025-03-06 08:34   
Merge request merged: [^]
2025-03-06 08:34   
Directly closing issue as related merge request is already approved.

Repository: [^]
Changeset: 740bcf0c76ad548fc92927a8ed85b3d8c9b66499
Author: Sathishkumar palanisamy <>
Date: 06-03-2025 07:34:12
URL: [^]

Fixes ISSUE-57887:[PT] Prefixes are created when doing a Copy Terminal. It shouldn't

R src/org/openbravo/localization/portugal/fiscalization/event/