Openbravo Issue Tracking System - POS2
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0057878POS2POSpublic2025-02-05 14:342025-02-06 07:02
0057878: [25Q1] [SCO] Marketing Survey Date field needs to be bounded. It accepts several wrong inputs
At the moment of setting the Date for the Marketing Survey, the Date input field accepts wrong inputs and the SUBMIT button can be clicked afterwards.
There is no record in the backoffice and it acts as if "CANCEL" button would have been clicked instead.
0-Login to SCO main screen using vallblanca (in a context with Marketing Survey configured and, inside "Marketing Survey" window, the "Requirement *" field in is set as "Mandatory" and the "Type of Survey *" field is set as "Date". Besides, in Marketing_Survey || Organization tab, the "Application Mode" field must be "Self-Checkout (SCO)") (image attached with the configuration).
1-Click "Enter Code Manually" and add any product.
2-Click "Finish and pay" and click "Confirm basket".
3-Select "Card" as payment method.
4-Select "Simplify invoice" and "No receipt*". Click "Continue" button.
5-The "Marketing Survey" popup must have been shown. Click in the grey area of the input field (not the calendar icon) and "DD-MM-YYYY" will be shown. Then, click SUBMIT button. DEFECT: SUBMIT button is enabled there and it is clickable. It must be disabled until a proper input has been introduced.
5 (alternative instead of previous step 5)-The "Marketing Survey" popup must have been shown. Then, click SUBMIT button. DEFECT: SUBMIT button is enabled there and it is clickable. It must be disabled until a proper input has been introduced.
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related to defect 0057876 scheduled Bimla_vm [25Q1] [SCO] "Application Mode" in Marketing Survey||Organization is prepared to configure SCO but it leads to misconfiguration 
png MarketingSurveyError2.png (23,134) 2025-02-05 14:34
Issue History
2025-02-05 14:34lorenzofidalgoNew Issue
2025-02-05 14:34lorenzofidalgoAssigned To => Retail
2025-02-05 14:34lorenzofidalgoFile Added: MarketingSurveyError2.png
2025-02-05 14:34lorenzofidalgoTriggers an Emergency Pack => No
2025-02-05 14:34lorenzofidalgoIssue generated from0057876
2025-02-05 14:34lorenzofidalgoRelationship addedrelated to 0057876
2025-02-05 14:40lorenzofidalgoDescription Updatedbug_revision_view_page.php?rev_id=29181#r29181
2025-02-06 07:02jorgewederagoNote Added: 0175192
2025-02-06 07:02jorgewederagoStatusnew => closed
2025-02-06 07:02jorgewederagoResolutionopen => invalid
2025-02-06 07:40jorgewederagoNote Edited: 0175192bug_revision_view_page.php?bugnote_id=0175192#r29195

2025-02-06 07:02   
(edited on: 2025-02-06 07:40)
Marketing survey is not supported in SCO. A development that can be found in RM-19078 was done to help avoiding wrong configs.