Openbravo Issue Tracking System - POS2
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0057840POS2POSpublic2025-02-03 13:312025-02-06 07:15
0057840: [25Q1] Change in 'Default Order Type' is not reflected in POS until cache is cleared
When modifying the 'Default Order Type' field in the Backoffice, the changes are not automatically reflected in the POS. To see the change, it is necessary to clear the cache.
1. Go to Backoffice -> 'Order Type' window
2. Create new Order Type with the following values:
- Organization: Vall Blanca Store
- Search Key: 123
- Name: Personal shopper (online)
- Request Additional Information: No
- Active: ✔
3. Go to 'Channel Touchpoint Type' window
4. Proceed to 'Openbravo POS Terminal Configuration' section
5. Select 'Personal shopper (online) from 'Default Order Type' dropdown
6. Log in to POS
7. Push 'Receipt Properties' button in top right of Orders area

See that the 'Order Type' dropdown is displayed and 'Personal shopper (online)' type is set as default

8. Go to Backoffice -> 'Channel Touchpoint Type' window
9. Proceed to 'Openbravo POS Terminal Configuration' section
10. Leave 'Default Order Type' field blank
11. Log in to POS
12. Refresh Masterdata
13. Push 'Receipt Properties' button in top right of Orders area

Expected result: 'Order Type' dropdown is displayed and is not filled
Actual result: 'Order Type' dropdown is displayed and 'Personal shopper (online)' type is set as default

14. Reload the page

Actual result: The same

15. Clean cache

Actual result: 'Order Type' dropdown is displayed and is not filled (correct)
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Issue History
2025-02-03 13:31jinigoNew Issue
2025-02-03 13:31jinigoAssigned To => Retail
2025-02-03 13:31jinigoTriggers an Emergency Pack => No
2025-02-03 14:07guillermogilAssigned ToRetail => jorgewederago
2025-02-06 07:15jorgewederagoNote Added: 0175194
2025-02-06 07:15jorgewederagoStatusnew => closed
2025-02-06 07:15jorgewederagoResolutionopen => invalid

2025-02-06 07:15   
This is not an issue. What is happening here is that a ticket is kept and thus the previous configuration is kept. If you delete the current order or do a full cashup the next ticket will behave properly