Openbravo Issue Tracking System - POS2
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0057767POS2POSpublic2024-10-18 13:432025-01-28 12:38
closedunable to reproduce 
0057767: [24Q4] The name property in the Serial Data field of Payment In is wrong sometimes
The name property of the Serial Data field of Payment In should be the 'searchkey' of the Payment Method Additional Info. However, sometimes the 'name' is used instead of the 'searchkey'.
1. Go to Backoffice
2. Go to 'Channel Touchpoint Type' window
3. Open 'POS2SD VBS POS2 Terminal Type' channel touchpoint
4. Navigate to the 'Payment Method' tab -> Open 'Cash' Payment method
5. Check 'Additional Information' box
6. Open 'Payment Method Additional informations' tab.
7. Create a new field with the following values: Name: Field 1; Search Key: KEY1; Type Textbox.
8. Create a new field with the following values: Name: Field 2; Search Key: KEY2; Type Combobox.
9. Open 'Values' tab.
10. Create a new value with ‘OP1’ name and 'KEYOP1' searchkey.
11. Go to POS2 (VBS-2).
12. Select any product.
13. Click 'Pay' button.
14. Select 'Cash' pay method.
15. In 'Field 1' write any text
16. In 'Field 2' field -> Select 'OP1'.
17. Select SUBMIT and DONE
18. Select DONE
19. Go to Backoffice
20. Go to 'Payment In' window
22. Select the payment done before
23. Check Serial Data ->

Expected result: [{"name":"KEY1","value":"text in step 17"},{"name":"KEY2","value":"KEYOP1"}]
Wrong result: [{"name":"KEY1","value":"text in step 17"},{"name":"Field 2","value":"OP1"}]
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blocks defect 0056832 closed dmytro_tarasov [24Q4] The name property in the Serial Data field of Payment In is wrong sometimes 
Issue History
2025-01-27 15:03migueldejuanaTypedefect => backport
2025-01-27 15:03migueldejuanaTarget Version => 25Q1
2025-01-28 12:38dmytro_tarasovStatusscheduled => closed
2025-01-28 12:38dmytro_tarasovResolutionopen => unable to reproduce

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