Openbravo Issue Tracking System - POS2
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0057691POS2POSpublic2025-01-16 16:462025-01-20 12:30
0057691: [25Q1][SCO] If Payment Methods are added in CCO to fill what is required, the ticket can not be completed in SCO
SCO gets stuck in "Payment" step and the ticket can not be completed in SCO if the required payments have been previously added in CCO. So the user is forced to move again to CCO to complete the ticket.
0-Login CCO as vallblanca, add 1x "Insect Repelent" to the ticket and click PAY button.
1-Click Cash Payment Method to pay the ticket in full (DO NOT click "Done" button).
2-At the botton right of the screen, click SCO icon to go to SCO.
3-Now, click "FINISH AND PAY" button. Click "CONFIRM BASKET" button and "CONTINUE WITHOUT ACCOUNT". DEFECT: Realise, when hovering over the payment methods, it is not possible to pay (since the payment is already completed) but it is not possible either to continue. The user is forced to go back to CCO to complete that ticket. It is also NOT possible clicking in Cancel Checkout since there is a payment method already added.
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blocks defect 0057670 scheduled Paloma [25Q1][SCO] If Payment Methods are added in CCO to fill what is required, the ticket can not be completed in SCO 
Issue History
2025-01-20 12:30jorgewederagoTypedefect => backport
2025-01-20 12:30jorgewederagoTarget Version => 25Q1

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