Openbravo Issue Tracking System - POS2
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0057685POS2Corepublic2025-01-17 15:012025-01-17 15:14
Triage Platform Base 
normalmajorhave not tried
0057685: Problem in masterdata search
When an incremental masterdata happens and a new product comes, this new product is not appearing in the masterdata cache
For reproducing the error with the product flow:
- Load a POS
- Check the products loaded OB.App.MasterdataModels.Product.searchCache. (number of products: X).
- Create a new product, add it to the pricelist and to the assortment
- Wait for the incremental load in background.
- When the incremental is done, reload the POS with the reload button of the browser or F5
- When entering again to the POS, we see that in indexeddb all the products are appearing (number of products: X + 1) but in MasterdataModels.Product.searchCache we still don't have the new product (number of products: X)
- When doing a query to this model without any criteria, the new product is not appearing (number of products: X), while every product is expected (number of products: X + 1).
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Issue History
2025-01-17 15:01javietxeNew Issue
2025-01-17 15:01javietxeAssigned To => Triage Platform Base
2025-01-17 15:01javietxeTriggers an Emergency Pack => No
2025-01-17 15:05javietxeSteps to Reproduce Updatedbug_revision_view_page.php?rev_id=29072#r29072
2025-01-17 15:14javietxeIssue Monitored: javietxe

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