Openbravo Issue Tracking System - Retail Modules
View Issue Details
0057663Retail ModulesWeb POSpublic2025-01-16 12:482025-01-20 06:10
0057663: When the remaining sell on credit amount has 2 decimals and is the same as the total pending to pay an error appears
The customer has reported an issue that we have reproduced in livebuilds that happens when the pending amount of the ticket is the same as the business partner has in his credit limit and this remaining sell on credit amount that the customer has, is composed by 2 decimals.
All the steps are in the video ( [^]).
- Check the option 'Allow pay on Credit in the Touchpoint Type'.
- Set a Credit Limit for the business partner Arturo Montoro of 74.01
- Go to the POS
- Select Arturo Montoro in the customer selection
- Add a product with a price higher than the amount the customer has
- Pay for example by cash the difference between the total of the ticket and the Credit limit of the customer.
- Pay the rest (is the same amount as the customer has in his Credit Limit) with 'Sell on Credit' payment.
- An error will appear (the amount of the error is the same as the Credit limit the customer has available.)
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Issue History
2025-01-16 12:48hector_hernaezNew Issue
2025-01-16 12:48hector_hernaezAssigned To => Retail
2025-01-16 12:48hector_hernaezTriggers an Emergency Pack => No
2025-01-16 12:50hector_hernaezSteps to Reproduce Updatedbug_revision_view_page.php?rev_id=29062#r29062
2025-01-16 14:23guillermogilAssigned ToRetail => guilleaer
2025-01-16 14:23guillermogilStatusnew => acknowledged
2025-01-17 05:30Bimla_vmAssigned Toguilleaer => Bimla_vm
2025-01-17 05:31Bimla_vmStatusacknowledged => scheduled
2025-01-20 06:10hgbotNote Added: 0174343

2025-01-20 06:10   
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