Openbravo Issue Tracking System - POS2
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0057514POS2POSpublic2024-12-19 22:002024-12-20 08:12
0057514: safe box count with multicurrency not working correctly
when counting a safebox or doing a control, it shows and incorrect expected amount in the count safe box and also in control safebox

And maybe related to that in the starting count also the expected in is not correct and not match what we left in amount to keep.
- create a new FA in dollars
- go to touchpoint vbssb1, and in the payments, select usa cash
- navigate to the payment method (payment method of the touchpoint type)
- click on define in safebox
- go to the safebox vbs01
- go to the payment methods subtab and create a new one
- select cash and the finantial account created in step 1
- configure the just created payment method with the same config and flags than the existing one for cash, except the financial account.

- go to the pos to the vsbsb1 terminal,
- login, open the till, select the safebox vbs01
- sell something like avalanche transceiver 150.50€
- click on pay, select USD, and select usa cash, and complete

- go to cash management
- appear correctly that the current amount in usa cash is $197.81 (150.50€)

- go to count or control
ERROR: the expected instead $197.81 it is $150.50 (114.50 €)

2 ERROR: maybe related to this or not, but when finishing the count and select a keep of for example $100, the do close till, and login and select the same safebox, in the initial count appear as expected $147.31 instead the $100 that we left.
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Issue History
2024-12-19 22:00gorka_gilNew Issue
2024-12-19 22:00gorka_gilAssigned To => Retail
2024-12-19 22:00gorka_gilTriggers an Emergency Pack => No
2024-12-20 08:12migueldejuanaStatusnew => scheduled
2024-12-20 08:12migueldejuanaAssigned ToRetail => dmytro_tarasov

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