Openbravo Issue Tracking System - Retail Modules
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0057337Retail ModulesWeb POSpublic2024-11-21 21:362024-11-30 22:08
normalminorhave not tried
0057337: [Enyo] [Style] Business partner contextual menu position seems off
Hello, I don't know since which Chrome version we're having this issue, but the position of the contextual menu seems off (I didn't test all the resolutions or devices).
Open the Business Partner search popin
Search for Business Partner (if not Business Partner is loaded)
Click on the detail button (3 dots button)
This issue can be fixed in MASTER but it is not mandatory. It MUST be fixed/tested in 24Q4 which is the last release supported of enyoPOS
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blocks backport 0057250RR24Q4 closed Bimla_vm [Enyo] [Style] Business partner contextual menu position seems off 
Issue History
2024-11-30 22:05guilleaerTypedefect => backport
2024-11-30 22:05guilleaerTarget Version => RR24Q4
2024-11-30 22:07guilleaerTypebackport => defect
2024-11-30 22:07guilleaerTarget VersionRR24Q4 =>
2024-11-30 22:08guilleaerReview Assigned To => guilleaer
2024-11-30 22:08guilleaerNote Added: 0172826
2024-11-30 22:08guilleaerStatusscheduled => closed
2024-11-30 22:08guilleaerResolutionopen => invalid

2024-11-30 22:08   
Will not be fixed in 25Q1 (master) fixed the backport