Openbravo Issue Tracking System - POS2
View Issue Details
0057327POS2POSpublic2024-11-29 09:462025-01-21 05:55
normalminorhave not tried
0057327: In the Approval pop-up the following text is not present : 'A supervisor needs to approve this action'
In the Approval pop-up the following text is not present : 'A supervisor needs to approve this action'
Configuration needed:

In Openbravo backoffice:
The POS user has a seller role with the required user action access 'Apply Discretionary and Optional Discount' configured with 'Approval' = 'Approval required'
The manager user has a responsible role with the required user action access 'Apply Discretionary and Optional Discount' configured with 'Approval' = 'Can use and approve'
Define a promotion with :
Type = a promotion type that applies to the lines of the ticket
Starting date in the past
In 'Definition section, 'Approval Required' = Yes
In 'POS Configuration' section, 'Application Method' = 'Discretionary'

Log into WebPOS on a touchpoint targeted by the promotion with a user that has role seller

Step to reproduce:
Add a product targeted by the promotion to the ticket

Click on the product line, select ‘Discount’ option, select the promotion and click on 'Apply'

Expected result :
An approval pop up is opened requesting the interference of the supervisor to approve the operation with:
a title 'Approval Required'
a text 'A supervisor needs to approve this action'
a section 'Manager Authentication':
a field 'User' empty (unless if saved by the browser)
a field 'Password' empty (unless if saved by the browser)
a button 'CANCEL'
a button 'APPROVE' grayed out

but the text 'A supervisor needs to approve this action' is not present

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Issue History
2024-11-29 09:46jmassyNew Issue
2024-11-29 09:46jmassyAssigned To => Retail
2024-11-29 09:46jmassyFile Added: image-2024-11-29-09-43-24-133.png
2024-11-29 09:46jmassyTriggers an Emergency Pack => No
2024-11-29 09:46jmassyNote Added: 0172753
2025-01-20 08:31Bimla_vmAssigned ToRetail => Bimla_vm
2025-01-20 08:31Bimla_vmStatusnew => scheduled
2025-01-21 05:55hgbotNote Added: 0174430

2024-11-29 09:46   
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2025-01-21 05:55   
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