Openbravo Issue Tracking System - Openbravo Localizations
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0057320Openbravo LocalizationsLocalization Francepublic2024-11-28 12:492024-12-02 08:17
0057320: Required Module Script to fill the column 'POS Ticket || DocumentNo '
In the French Certification module, the field 'POS Ticket || Sales Order' has been replaced by 'POS Ticket || DocumentNo', see attached image.

Due to this change and after an update, for the historical tickets the field 'POS Ticket || DocumentNo' is empty and the user doesn't know the corresponding ticket to the hash. In addition, that creates errors in the compilation an inconsistent data in the ddbb.

A module script must be created to fill the field 'POS Ticket || DocumentNo' with the corresponding value to the historical data.
In an environment with the module 'French Fiscal' version 1.0.100 and data in 'POS Ticket', update that module to the newest version.

In the window 'POS Ticket', check that the field 'POS Ticket || DocumentNo' for all the historical data.
A module script must be created to fill the field 'POS Ticket || DocumentNo' with the corresponding value to the historical data.
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png TinyTake28-11-2024-12-36-12.png (144,102) 2024-11-28 12:49
Issue History
2024-11-28 12:49avicenteNew Issue
2024-11-28 12:49avicenteFile Added: TinyTake28-11-2024-12-36-12.png
2024-11-28 12:50avicenteAssigned To => psanjuan
2024-11-28 15:28aferrazAssigned Topsanjuan => aferraz

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