Openbravo Issue Tracking System - POS2
View Issue Details
0056887POS2POSpublic2024-10-24 14:542024-10-24 15:10
normalmajorhave not tried
0056887: Error when switching from POS to SCO using a user with access to the System Admin role
An error occurs when:
- a terminal is configured to support both POS and SCO
- the Login Method property of the SCO Configuration is "Use POS User"
- a user with access to the System Admin role swithces from POS to SCO

When that happens, the switch does not take place, a "Cannot read properties of undefined. Reading .organization
- Configure a terminal to support both POS and SCO
- Set "Use POS User" as Login Method in the SCO Configuration
- Log in in POS using the Openbravo user
- Click on the Switch to SCo button on the top right. The error will be reproduced
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Issue History
2024-10-24 14:54AugustoMauchNew Issue
2024-10-24 14:54AugustoMauchAssigned To => AugustoMauch
2024-10-24 14:54AugustoMauchTriggers an Emergency Pack => No
2024-10-24 14:54AugustoMauchStatusnew => scheduled
2024-10-24 14:56hgbotNote Added: 0170901
2024-10-24 15:10AugustoMauchSummaryError when switching from POS to SCO using the Openbravo user => Error when switching from POS to SCO using a user with access to the System Admin role

2024-10-24 14:56   
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