Openbravo Issue Tracking System - POS2
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0056867POS2POSpublic2024-10-23 10:472025-01-23 12:00
closedunable to reproduce 
0056867: Verified Return by Opened Order with configuration 'Several Original Orders in one single return' does not work
With the configuration: 'Rules for Returns' = 'Several Original Orders in One single return'

When we make a Verified Return from an open order, a new return ticket is opened instead of adding the selected products to the previous ticket. (It works from the 'Orders|3 dots button|Verified Return' menu)
In Openbravo backoffice:
• In the ‘Organization’ window of the touchpoint channel corresponding to the POS, define 'Rules for Returns' = 'Several Original Orders in One single return'
• In the ‘Product’ window, define few products with 'Returnable' = 'YES'

Login in POS with a correct user on the channel touchpoint
Not having a draft ticket in progress
Finalize several sales with:
• Customer assigned
• Several products ('Returnable' = 'YES') with differents quantites
• Paid with several payment methods

Go to 'Orders' menu
Search one sale made previously (done in the prerequisites)
Click on it. On the sales screen click on the '3 dots' button and select 'Verified Returns'
Select all the lines to return and the quantity in order to make a full return and click on 'Apply' button
Expected Result:
The Sell menu is displayed with a current ticket.
The current ticket contains the number of product lines corresponding to the products selected on the original ticket.
Each line displays the indication of the original ticket, below the product name

Go to 'Orders' menu
Search for another sale made previously (done in the prerequisites)
Click on it. On the sales screen click on the '3 dots' button and select 'Verified Returns'
Select all the lines to return and the quantity in order to make a full return and click on 'Apply' button
Expected Result:
The Sell menu displays the previous ticket.
The ticket is updated with the addition of the product lines corresponding to the 2nd original ticket
Each line displays the indication of the 1st and 2nd original ticket, below the product name

Obtained Result:
A new return ticket is opened instead of adding the selected products to the previous ticket
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png Not Allowed to do several verified returns in one.png (111,030) 2024-11-15 12:03

png Screenshot from 2025-01-23 11-59-30.png (128,273) 2025-01-23 11:59
Issue History
2024-10-23 10:47fdominguesNew Issue
2024-10-23 10:47fdominguesAssigned To => Retail
2024-10-23 10:47fdominguesTriggers an Emergency Pack => No
2024-11-15 12:03charlotte_vasseurFile Added: Not Allowed to do several verified returns in one.png
2024-11-15 12:04charlotte_vasseurNote Added: 0172024
2025-01-23 11:59guillermogilFile Added: Screenshot from 2025-01-23 11-59-30.png
2025-01-23 12:00guillermogilReview Assigned To => guillermogil
2025-01-23 12:00guillermogilStatusnew => closed
2025-01-23 12:00guillermogilResolutionopen => unable to reproduce

2024-11-15 12:04   
We have the same behavior with the configuration 'Rules for Returns' = 'One Original Orders in One single return' at the Organization level

In POS, from the Orders menu > 3 dots > Verified Return, when trying to return a second sale we have a pop-up ‘Not Allowed Operation’
(See Not Allowed to do several verified returns in one.png)

But when trying to return the second sale from Orders menu > open the sale > 3 dots > Verified Return, no pop-up and a new draft return ticket in created

We should have the behavior corresponding to each configuration, but same from both ways to access the verified return