Openbravo Issue Tracking System - Modules
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0056493ModulesAdvanced Warehouse Operationspublic2024-09-19 07:562024-09-19 08:03
0056493: Cannot set the values of a List through the FIC in a P&E grid
Currently is not possible to set the values of a List field in a P&E grid through a FIC call in a P&E grid. This can be needed when it is desired to dynamically filter the available values of the list based on the current context.
0) Use this branch of awo module[1]
1) Create a purchase order with two lines, book and receive it
2) Go to the Reception List window and select the newly created reception list
3) Switch to the lines tab, change the confirmed quantity of one of the lines
4) Switch to the header tab, click on confirm button
5) In the P&E, note that the delta response field shows some values, but when selecting one, the selected value is not correct and changes to an unrecognized value.

[1] [^]
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related to feature request 0056443 new caristu Support Delta/Stock Incident when confirming group of tasks from back office 
Issue History
2024-09-19 07:56caristuNew Issue
2024-09-19 07:56caristuAssigned To => caristu
2024-09-19 07:56caristuIssue generated from0056443
2024-09-19 07:56caristuRelationship addedrelated to 0056443
2024-09-19 08:03hgbotNote Added: 0169333

2024-09-19 08:03   
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