Openbravo Issue Tracking System - POS2
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0056085POS2Fashionpublic2024-07-22 17:122024-07-23 07:09
0056085: RM-15551 Print Labels of Overlapping price exceptions appear in double/triple and search by scan is KO
In POS, when a user wants to print a product that has 2 or more price excpetions overlapping on a same date, the price displayed is wrong and an error message appears when it is scanned.

Expected results :

the last price exception created should be taken into account and this one only should be displayed on POS

when scanning the product with price exception, the user should not have an error message [^]
Steps to reproduce :

Log in BO and go to Product window

Choose product P and create a Price exception on it with Unit price = 250€, List Price = 250€ starting on 15/07/2024 and no end date

Go to Commercial Operation window and create an opecom with Product P with Unit Price = 175€ from 16/07/2024 to 20/07/2024

Create a 2nd opecom with Product P with Unit Price = 150€ from 18/07/2024 to 20/07/2024

Log in POS and go to Print label screen

Select the overlapped date 19/07/2024, select the template and click on next

Scan Product P

Current result : An error message appear as there are 3 price exceptions conflicting

Expected result : Scan is successful as it takes the last created price expection created in step 4.

type the name of Product P and search

Current result : 3 results appear for Product P and when ticking one of them, all 3 are selected

Expected result : Only 1 result appears for Product P and it is the price expection lastly created in step 4. that is taken into account

See video : [^] your Google account
duplicate of defect 0056005 closed Rajesh_18 RM-15551 Print Labels of Overlapping price exceptions appear in double/triple and search by scan is KO 
Issue History
2024-07-22 17:12philippe_muiNew Issue
2024-07-22 17:12philippe_muiAssigned To => Retail
2024-07-22 17:12philippe_muiTriggers an Emergency Pack => No
2024-07-22 17:12philippe_muiTag Attached: FASH
2024-07-23 05:27guillermogilStatusnew => acknowledged
2024-07-23 07:00Rajesh_18Relationship addedduplicate of 0056005
2024-07-23 07:08Rajesh_18Statusacknowledged => scheduled
2024-07-23 07:09Rajesh_18Review Assigned To => guillermogil
2024-07-23 07:09Rajesh_18Statusscheduled => closed
2024-07-23 07:09Rajesh_18Resolutionopen => duplicate

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