Openbravo Issue Tracking System - POS2
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0055991POS2POSpublic2024-07-12 09:022024-07-12 09:02
0055991: [24Q3] UX problem when typing an already existing tax ID in a form to create a customer, and then selecting a drop-down field
When creating a new customer from the form in POS2, there is a feature that checks if the tax ID field has a value that already exists in another customer. In case of tax ID duplication, when you deselect the tax ID field, a 'Duplicated Tax ID' pop-up appears to warn you. So, if you type a duplicated tax ID and then you select a drop-down field, such as Nationality, the pop-up will appear but the drop-down will be displayed over the pop-up, covering part of it. See the attached image.
1) Log in to POS2
2) Select the field of the ticket's business partner (where VBS Customer is displayed, above the ticket area)
3) Type the name of an existing customer, such as Arturo Montoro
4) Click the Search button and select an address if there are several of them
5) The customer will be assigned to the ticket, so click on it again (like in step 2)
6) In the drop-down, select 'View Info'
7) Copy the value of the 'Tax ID' field to your clipboard
8) Click the 'Unassign from receipt' button
9) Repeat step 2
10) In the 'Search Customer to Assign' window, click on the 'New Customer' button
11) Paste the copied value in the 'Tax ID' field
12) Without previously deselecting the 'Tax ID' field, click on the 'Nationality' field => The drop-down will be displayed covering part of the pop-up
The pop-up should disable and be shown over the drop-down.
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png matchingCustomerForm.png (122,451) 2024-07-12 09:02
Issue History
2024-07-12 09:02asier_perezNew Issue
2024-07-12 09:02asier_perezAssigned To => Retail
2024-07-12 09:02asier_perezFile Added: matchingCustomerForm.png
2024-07-12 09:02asier_perezTriggers an Emergency Pack => No

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