Openbravo Issue Tracking System - Retail Modules
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0055860Retail ModulesWeb POSpublic2024-06-28 07:142024-07-09 11:39
normalmajorhave not tried
Production - QA Approved
2024-06-28 [^]
0055860: User action of type Verified Return Ticket is removed from ticket
The approvals assigned to the ticket associated to the verified return action are removed from the ticket when updating the lines with the new inputs and approvals.
The user action Verified Return Ticket needs to be configured. This user action is added for the system when doing a new verified return.
- Add a new user action of type Verified Return Ticket, including one or more user inputs.
- Create a new ticket and process it.
- Return the created ticket.
- The pop up to add the information of the user action configured appears.
- Choose the inputs.
- One the verified return is created the information selected by the user is not included.
Technically speaking the updateInputsAndApprovalsWithNewLine function needs to take into consideration the information that is included in the payload but also the information already included in the ticket to maintain all the information.
No tags attached.
depends on backport 0055949RR24Q3 closed kousalya_r Retail Modules User action of type Verified Return Ticket is removed from ticket 
caused by defect 0055675 closed  Openbravo Localizations The user input information included in a sale is not included in the return of that sale, therefore it is not included in the SA 
Issue History
2024-06-28 07:14jonaeNew Issue
2024-06-28 07:14jonaeAssigned To => kousalya_r
2024-06-28 07:14jonaeRegression level => Production - QA Approved
2024-06-28 07:14jonaeRegression date => 2024-06-28
2024-06-28 07:14jonaeRegression introduced by commit => [^]
2024-06-28 07:14jonaeTriggers an Emergency Pack => No
2024-06-28 09:31hgbotNote Added: 0166456
2024-07-02 12:47gorkaionRelationship addedcaused by 0055675
2024-07-02 14:18hgbotResolutionopen => fixed
2024-07-02 14:18hgbotStatusnew => closed
2024-07-02 14:18hgbotNote Added: 0166602
2024-07-02 14:18hgbotFixed in Version => 24Q4
2024-07-02 14:18hgbotNote Added: 0166603
2024-07-09 11:38aferrazStatusclosed => new
2024-07-09 11:38aferrazResolutionfixed => open
2024-07-09 11:38aferrazFixed in Version24Q4 =>
2024-07-09 11:38aferrazStatusnew => scheduled
2024-07-09 11:38aferrazNote Added: 0166831
2024-07-09 11:39aferrazStatusscheduled => resolved
2024-07-09 11:39aferrazResolutionopen => fixed
2024-07-09 11:39aferrazStatusresolved => closed

2024-06-28 09:31   
Merge Request created: [^]
2024-07-02 14:18   
Merge request merged: [^]
2024-07-02 14:18   
Directly closing issue as related merge request is already approved.

Repository: [^]
Changeset: a955d4780bdfbe07b63e9c84310bca49ae7eb6b6
Author: Kousalya Ramasamy <>
Date: 02-07-2024 12:18:25
URL: [^]

Fixed ISSUE-55860: Original ticket Useraction and Verified Return Useraction

M web-jspack/org.openbravo.pos2/src/model/ticket/actions/__test__/updateInputsAndApprovalsWithNewLine.test.js
M web-jspack/org.openbravo.pos2/src/model/ticket/actions/updateInputsAndApprovalsWithNewLine.js
2024-07-09 11:38   
Reopened to create backport.