Openbravo Issue Tracking System - Retail Modules
View Issue Details
0054574Retail ModulesWeb POSpublic2024-02-05 12:572024-03-14 07:28
0054574: Data Import Entry in Error status is created after trying to save again a Business Partner in Errors While Importing POS Data
Data Import Entry in Error status is created after trying to save again a Business Partner in Errors While Importing POS Data. The error is:

No posterminal can be determined from the json

The difference between the original JSON correctly processed and the one in Error is that the second one doesn't include the following section:

In order to force an EWI:

Create a business partner from the POS
Take its Data Import Entry, change its id (to create a new one), remove the value in businessPartnerCategory property and change it to Initial
Check once it is processed, it goes to Errors While Importing POS Data with the following error:

org.postgresql.util.PSQLException: ERROR: insert or update on table "c_bpartner" violates foreign key constraint "c_bpartner_c_bp_group"
  Detail: Key (c_bp_group_id)=() is not present in table "c_bp_group".

Click on Save Again without making any change

Return to Data Import Entries and check a new record has been created in Error with the following error:

No posterminal can be determined from the json

A new record will be created every time you click on Save Again
No tags attached.
depends on backport 0054754RR24Q1.1 closed Rajesh_18 Data Import Entry in Error status is created after trying to save again a Business Partner in Errors While Importing POS Data 
depends on backport 0054948RR23Q4.3 closed Rajesh_18 Data Import Entry in Error status is created after trying to save again a Business Partner in Errors While Importing POS Data 
Issue History
2024-02-05 12:57ngarciaNew Issue
2024-02-05 12:57ngarciaAssigned To => Retail
2024-02-05 12:57ngarciaTriggers an Emergency Pack => No
2024-02-05 12:57ngarciaIssue Monitored: networkb
2024-02-09 09:43ngarciaNote Added: 0160528
2024-02-16 10:16Rajesh_18Assigned ToRetail => Rajesh_18
2024-02-16 10:16Rajesh_18Statusnew => scheduled
2024-02-17 12:15hgbotNote Added: 0160868
2024-02-21 15:41hgbotResolutionopen => fixed
2024-02-21 15:41hgbotStatusscheduled => closed
2024-02-21 15:41hgbotFixed in Version => RR24Q2
2024-02-21 15:41hgbotNote Added: 0161032
2024-02-21 15:41hgbotNote Added: 0161033
2024-02-23 10:36marvintmStatusclosed => new
2024-02-23 10:36marvintmResolutionfixed => open
2024-02-23 10:36marvintmFixed in VersionRR24Q2 =>
2024-02-23 10:36marvintmStatusnew => acknowledged
2024-02-23 10:36marvintmStatusacknowledged => scheduled
2024-02-23 10:36marvintmStatusscheduled => resolved
2024-02-23 10:36marvintmFixed in Version => RR24Q2
2024-02-23 10:36marvintmResolutionopen => fixed
2024-02-23 10:37marvintmStatusresolved => closed
2024-03-14 07:28marvintmStatusclosed => new
2024-03-14 07:28marvintmResolutionfixed => open
2024-03-14 07:28marvintmFixed in VersionRR24Q2 =>
2024-03-14 07:28marvintmStatusnew => acknowledged
2024-03-14 07:28marvintmStatusacknowledged => scheduled
2024-03-14 07:28marvintmStatusscheduled => resolved
2024-03-14 07:28marvintmFixed in Version => RR24Q2
2024-03-14 07:28marvintmResolutionopen => fixed
2024-03-14 07:28marvintmStatusresolved => closed

2024-02-09 09:43   
It seems it also happens with Cash Management Movement
2024-02-17 12:15   
Merge Request created: [^]
2024-02-21 15:41   
Directly closing issue as related merge request is already approved.

Repository: [^]
Changeset: c45d9912b1357c57f0f0fe5590c2bd6519b1fc64
Author: Rajesh Senthilkumar <>
Date: 21-02-2024 14:41:23
URL: [^]

Fixed ISSUE-54574: If ImportEntry has error the entry is saved after importEntryPostProcessor

M src/org/openbravo/retail/posterminal/
2024-02-21 15:41   
Merge request merged: [^]