Openbravo Issue Tracking System - Modules
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0054097ModulesAdvanced Warehouse Operationspublic2023-12-12 07:182023-12-14 10:46
normalmajorhave not tried
0054097: Improve isTaskInvolvedInReferenceInventory in Reference Inventory Utility class
Improve isTaskInvolvedInReferenceInventory in Reference Inventory Utility

In case of Tasks related to Goods Movements, checking whether task is involved in Referenced Inventory from either expected or confirmed Attribute as the goods movement post happens BEFORE the confirmation of the tasks, so the stock is received before the task is confirmed. In the moment the stock is received,the storage detail disappears from the DB, because the task's storage detail is only useful BEFORE the task is confirmed. After the task is confirmed, the storage detail is not valid any more. Later on, when the system tries to get the storage detail from the task, the task.getStorageDetail() returns not null, because it is cached. However, the referenced inventory is not cached, so it tries to visit the DB and then it fails.
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related to defect 0053939 closed AtulOpenbravo Openbravo ERP [EWPT][PPROD] No row with the given identifier exists: [MaterialMgmtStorageDetail#9D945AD7245646288110778247EA09BF] 
Issue History
2023-12-12 07:18AtulOpenbravoNew Issue
2023-12-12 07:18AtulOpenbravoAssigned To => Triage Omni WMS
2023-12-12 07:21AtulOpenbravoStatusnew => scheduled
2023-12-12 07:21AtulOpenbravoAssigned ToTriage Omni WMS => AtulOpenbravo
2023-12-12 07:23hgbotNote Added: 0158070
2023-12-14 10:46hgbotNote Added: 0158197
2023-12-14 10:46hgbotResolutionopen => fixed
2023-12-14 10:46hgbotStatusscheduled => closed
2023-12-14 10:46hgbotNote Added: 0158198
2023-12-27 11:52mtaalRelationship addedrelated to 0053939

2023-12-12 07:23   
Merge Request created: [^]
2023-12-14 10:46   
Merge request merged: [^]
2023-12-14 10:46   
Directly closing issue as related merge request is already approved.

Repository: [^]
Changeset: b8fe12c59b36f883aa9171ee77cc370eeb13aeaa
Author: Atul Gaware <>
Date: 14-12-2023 09:46:32
URL: [^]

Fixes BUG-0054097: Improve isTaskInvolvedInReferenceInventory in Reference Inventory Utility class

M src/org/openbravo/warehouse/advancedwarehouseoperations/utils/