Openbravo Issue Tracking System - POS2
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0054026POS2POSpublic2023-11-24 14:072024-02-12 22:44
0054026: Datagrid sorting is confusing on list mode
When sorting datagrids in list mode, the header of the datagrid doesn't update to reflect the type of sorting selected.

The interaction pattern of this sorting component is not intuitive, as it does not allow the user to identify the type of sorting selected or its direction. In order to switch sorting types, the user has to press on the arrows instead of the header and if they want to change the sorting direction of a selected type, they have to click again on the arrows, which is not an intuitive action.
- In livebuilds, POS2 with modules.
- Click on orders.
- resize the screen until list mode is showing.
- On the list header, click "Order No"
- Notice how nothing happens.
- On the list header, click on the arrows.
- Select "Created".
- Notice how the header still shows "Order No" as the header title with both up/down arrow icons active.
- On the list header, click on the arrows.
- Notice that in the pop-up, the "Created" option will have an active upwards arrow on the right with (a-z).
- Click on that active upwards arrow (a-z).
- Notice that sorting has changed but the header doesn't reflect how.
- On the list header, click again on the up/down arrows.
- Notice how on the "created" option, the sorting direction has changed (z-a).
Link to figma file: [^]

- Add a label text "Sort by" on the header list, on top of the header title.
- The header title always reflects the sorting type, this means that if the title is showing "Order NÂș" the list should be sorted accordingly.
- The header title should be interactive. When the user clicks on it, the pop-up with the sorting options appear.
- The icon on the right of the header title should be interactive and reflect the sorting direction, this means that if the list has an ascendant order, the icon is an upwards arrow.
- If the user clicks/presses on the arrow, the sorting direction should change to its opposite and the icon updates accordingly. This means that if the icon is an upward arrow, the sorting direction is ascendant, if the user clicks on it, the icon updates to a downwards arrow and the sorting on the list updates to descendant.
- The icon of the arrow should be updated to the one in the figma file.

Attached you will find a .png of the updated design.
No tags attached.
related to defect 0054657 closed ablasco Revert - Default ordering in DocumentNo in Order Window causes cypress test fails 
related to feature request 0054375 closed jarmendariz Add callback methods to Grid when the grid actions popover is shown/hidden 
related to defect 0055119 new Triage Platform Base DataGridSorting Cypress test is not executed in runFeaturesSpecPOS2 
png Sorting component_solution.png (32,536) 2023-11-24 14:07
Issue History
2023-11-24 14:07mhasegawaNew Issue
2023-11-24 14:07mhasegawaAssigned To => Retail
2023-11-24 14:07mhasegawaFile Added: Sorting component_solution.png
2023-11-24 14:07mhasegawaTriggers an Emergency Pack => No
2024-01-02 13:26hgbotNote Added: 0158769
2024-01-02 13:32hgbotNote Added: 0158770
2024-02-02 08:11hgbotNote Added: 0160126
2024-02-08 13:18AugustoMauchAssigned ToRetail => ablasco
2024-02-08 13:18AugustoMauchStatusnew => scheduled
2024-02-12 22:42hgbotResolutionopen => fixed
2024-02-12 22:42hgbotStatusscheduled => closed
2024-02-12 22:42hgbotFixed in Version => 24Q2
2024-02-12 22:42hgbotNote Added: 0160654
2024-02-12 22:42hgbotNote Added: 0160655
2024-02-12 22:43hgbotNote Added: 0160656
2024-02-12 22:43hgbotNote Added: 0160657
2024-02-12 22:44hgbotNote Added: 0160658
2024-02-12 22:44hgbotNote Added: 0160659
2024-02-13 13:44ablascoRelationship addedrelated to 0054657
2024-03-08 13:46ngarciaRelationship addedrelated to 0054375
2024-04-08 10:50jarmendarizRelationship addedrelated to 0055119

2024-01-02 13:26   
Merge Request created: [^]
2024-01-02 13:32   
Merge Request created: [^]
2024-02-02 08:11   
Merge Request created: [^]
2024-02-12 22:42   
Directly closing issue as related merge request is already approved.

Repository: [^]
Changeset: d59bbbac8db11402668d0a4ab44ba817a47b2376
Author: Augusto Mauch <>
Date: 12-02-2024 22:42:08
URL: [^]

Fixes ISSUE-54026: Updates component to sort grids in list view

2024-02-12 22:42   
Merge request merged: [^]
2024-02-12 22:43   
Directly closing issue as related merge request is already approved.

Repository: [^]
Changeset: 28ed5a210200fd305d93d478da12cbbc8898355b
Author: Augusto Mauch <>
Date: 12-02-2024 22:43:23
URL: [^]

Fixes ISSUE-54026: Updates component to sort grids in list view

A web-jspack/org.openbravo.pos2/src-test/cypress/e2e/Features/dataGridSorting.spec.js
M web-jspack/org.openbravo.pos2/src-test/cypress/functions/reversePayment.js
M web-jspack/org.openbravo.pos2/src/components/SelectLines/SelectedLinesGrid/SelectLines.jsx
M web-jspack/org.openbravo.pos2/src/components/TicketList/TicketListRemoteGrid/TicketListRemoteGrid.jsx
M web-jspack/org.openbravo.pos2/src/components/TicketList/TicketListRemoteGrid/__test__/TicketListRemoteGrid.test.jsx
2024-02-12 22:43   
Merge request merged: [^]
2024-02-12 22:44   
Repository: [^]
Changeset: b148d01dcd2d09898c30e49d3512567992cb8980
Author: adrian.blasco <>
Date: 02-02-2024 08:09:06
URL: [^]

Related to ISSUE-54026 Sorting Header Chip hide in detailedStockGrid in listview Mode

M web-jspack/org.openbravo.pos2.detailedstock/src/components/DetailedStockDialog/DetailedStockGrid.jsx
2024-02-12 22:44   
Merge request merged: [^]