Openbravo Issue Tracking System - POS2
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0053967POS2POSpublic2023-11-16 22:422023-11-30 07:48
normaltrivialhave not tried
0053967: [CRS] Copy Retail Store & Copy Terminal: Changes in Invoice Prefix and Simplified Inv
Problem: when doing Copy Store and Copy Terminal, the Invoice Sequence and the Simplified Invoice Sequence are not copied based on template pattern

For instance:

Sequence Prefix Template Gift Card: template is 96T00101 with template store search key T001

When I do Copy Store / Copy Terminal to create store 0149, the sequence is generated like 96014901 which is OK

Sequence Prefix Template Credit Note: template is 91T00101 with template store search key T001

When I do Copy Store / Copy Terminal to create store 0149, the sequence is generated like 91014901 which is OK

Sequence Prefix Template Order (Ticket): template is T00101 with template store search key T001

When I do Copy Store / Copy Terminal to create store 0149, the sequence is generated like 014901 which is OK

Sequence Prefix Template Full Invoice: template is FT00101 with template store search key T001

When I do Copy Store / Copy Terminal to create store 0149, the sequence is generated like 014901INV which is KO

Sequence Prefix Template Full Invoice Return: template is FRT00101 with template store search key T001

When I do Copy Store / Copy Terminal to create store 0149, the sequence is generated like 014901RINV which is KO

Sequence Prefix Template Simplified Invoice: template is FST00101 with template store search key T001

When I do Copy Store / Copy Terminal to create store 0149, the sequence is generated like 014901SINV which is KO

Sequence Prefix Template Simplified Invoice Return: template is FSRT00101 with template store search key T001

When I do Copy Store / Copy Terminal to create store 0149, the sequence is generated like 014901SRINV which is KO
After clarifying this topic with Antonio we are going to implement this request as standard, therefore all the documents ((including invoices and return invoices) work in the same way that is by replacing terminal search key and keeping the content of the suffix and prefix, if any.
No tags attached.
related to defect 0053259 closed sreehari [CRS] Copy Retail Store does replacements wrong if theres Letters on the Search Key II 
Issue History
2023-11-16 22:42dcontreraNew Issue
2023-11-16 22:42dcontreraAssigned To => dcontrera
2023-11-16 22:42dcontreraTriggers an Emergency Pack => No
2023-11-16 22:45hgbotNote Added: 0157254
2023-11-30 07:46marvintmRelationship addedrelated to 0053259
2023-11-30 07:48hgbotResolutionopen => fixed
2023-11-30 07:48hgbotStatusnew => closed
2023-11-30 07:48hgbotNote Added: 0157825
2023-11-30 07:48hgbotNote Added: 0157826

2023-11-16 22:45   
Merge Request created: [^]
2023-11-30 07:48   
Directly closing issue as related merge request is already approved.

Repository: [^]
Changeset: 5403db210528b6d006fc51885da5bb308982fe18
Author: dante.contrera <>
Date: 16-11-2023 18:44:19
URL: [^]

Fixed ISSUE-53967: Changes in the Invoices and Simp Invoices prefix pattern.

M src/org/openbravo/retail/copystore/process/
2023-11-30 07:48   
Merge request merged: [^]