Openbravo Issue Tracking System - Retail Modules |
View Issue Details |
ID | Project | Category | View Status | Date Submitted | Last Update |
0053653 | Retail Modules | Quotations | public | 2023-10-12 18:15 | 2023-11-16 14:25 |
Reporter | Leosbanis | |
Assigned To | Rajesh_18 | |
Priority | high | Severity | major | Reproducibility | always |
Status | closed | Resolution | fixed | |
Platform | | OS | 5 | OS Version | |
Product Version | | |
Target Version | | Fixed in Version | | |
Merge Request Status | |
Review Assigned To | |
OBNetwork customer | |
Support ticket | |
Regression level | |
Regression date | |
Regression introduced in release | |
Regression introduced by commit | |
Triggers an Emergency Pack | No |
Summary | 0053653: The ExtraProperties entity is not correctly updated in the response call after a quotation has been transformed into a order |
Description | Some months ago, it was requested to include the entity “extraProperties” in the request call (in case it has been previously replied in a response call) so that the middleware receives this information, and they can manage the discounts added properly in any future call for the same order, that has already a external discount added to the ticket.
Therefore, if in a “response” call, the extraProperties is filled, this entity will be included in any future request call inside the object “ManualPromotions”.
If we create a quotation and we add an automatic discount (which has a extraProperties received in the call), if we transform the quotation into a order and we try to confirm the order or add a discount, in the API Calculate discount request call sent to the middleware, the "extraProperties" entity received previously is not included in the call. |
Steps To Reproduce | 1- Create a Quotation including a product that can be added to a discount returned by the external system discount.
2- Click on the payment button to launch the External System Calculate discount API and confirm the quotation.
3- Click on the menu button to transform the quotation into an order "Create Sales Order"
4- Click on the "Discount" button to add a discount - launch "API Calculate discount" |
Proposed Solution | When a Quotation is transformed into an Order the ID of the order and lines are changed but the information contained into the "order.cdiscExternalresponse" remains with the old values and this information is used to compose the request to the External System Discount API, so the proposal consist in create a hook implementation for "OBPOS_PreCreateOrderFromQuotation" that update this information with the new values of ID. |
Additional Information | |
Tags | No tags attached. |
Relationships | related to | defect | 0053965 | | scheduled | guilleaer | [External Discounts] Discount amount reset when converting a quotation into a ticket |
Attached Files | file.pdf (733,322) 2023-10-12 18:15 |
Issue History |
Date Modified | Username | Field | Change |
2023-10-12 18:15 | Leosbanis | New Issue | |
2023-10-12 18:15 | Leosbanis | Assigned To | => Retail |
2023-10-12 18:15 | Leosbanis | File Added: file.pdf | |
2023-10-12 18:15 | Leosbanis | Triggers an Emergency Pack | => No |
2023-10-17 12:44 | Rajesh_18 | Assigned To | Retail => Rajesh_18 |
2023-10-17 13:05 | Rajesh_18 | Status | new => scheduled |
2023-10-25 10:06 | hgbot | Note Added: 0156268 | |
2023-10-25 10:10 | hgbot | Note Added: 0156269 | |
2023-10-25 10:13 | hgbot | Note Added: 0156270 | |
2023-11-16 14:24 | hgbot | Note Added: 0157221 | |
2023-11-16 14:24 | hgbot | Note Added: 0157222 | |
2023-11-16 14:24 | hgbot | Note Added: 0157223 | |
2023-11-16 14:24 | hgbot | Note Added: 0157224 | |
2023-11-16 14:25 | hgbot | Resolution | open => fixed |
2023-11-16 14:25 | hgbot | Status | scheduled => closed |
2023-11-16 14:25 | hgbot | Note Added: 0157225 | |
2023-11-16 14:25 | hgbot | Note Added: 0157226 | |
2023-11-16 14:35 | aaroncalero | Relationship added | related to 0053965 |
Notes |
2023-10-25 10:06
2023-10-25 10:10
2023-10-25 10:13
2023-11-16 14:24
2023-11-16 14:24
2023-11-16 14:24
2023-11-16 14:24
2023-11-16 14:25
2023-11-16 14:25