Openbravo Issue Tracking System - POS2
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0053084POS2POSpublic2023-07-27 10:222025-01-27 10:07
closedout of date 
0053084: [23Q3] In the Proof of Payment window, there are 2 (disabled) buttons to go to the Proof of Payment window
In the PoP window on the right of "Print Bill" you have "Proof of Payment" button but you are already in PoP. Also, if you click on the 3 vertical dots, you will see the PoP option
1- Login in POS as vallblanca
2- Buy any product you want
3- Go to orders and select the ticket you just created
4- Click on the 3 vertical dots above "Review Payments" and select "Proof of Payment"

Note that on the right of "Print Bill" you have "Proof of Payment" button but you are already in Proof of Payment. Also, if you click on the 3 vertical dots, you will see the Proof of Payment option
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png PoP_buttons.png (84,743) 2023-07-27 10:22
Issue History
2023-07-27 10:22Markel_IruretagoyenaNew Issue
2023-07-27 10:22Markel_IruretagoyenaAssigned To => Retail
2023-07-27 10:22Markel_IruretagoyenaFile Added: PoP_buttons.png
2023-07-27 10:22Markel_IruretagoyenaTriggers an Emergency Pack => No
2025-01-27 10:07guillermogilReview Assigned To => guillermogil
2025-01-27 10:07guillermogilStatusnew => closed
2025-01-27 10:07guillermogilResolutionopen => out of date

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