Openbravo Issue Tracking System - Retail Modules
View Issue Details
0052622Retail ModulesWeb POSpublic2023-05-31 10:582023-08-28 12:39
30Openbravo Appliance 14.04
0052622: POS FiscaIization API - It is required to include the property “TaxG” in the JSON file for the event Ticket Complete
POS FiscaIization API - It is required to include the property “TaxG” in the JSON file for the event Ticket Complete
POS Fiscalization API - It is required to include the property TaxG in the JSON file for event Ticket Complete, which needs to be based in an unique identifier of the tax rate. See issue related 52641

See example of the file below

See sample of the JSON file:
taxes: Array(1)
amount: 0.41
name: "TVA 13%"
c_tax.value = this one will be mapped with the EFSTA property [TaxG] for Germany
net: 3.19
rate: 13
No tags attached.
depends on feature request 0052639 closed jamie_reid Openbravo ERP It is required to add a unique identifier for each Tax Rate element in OB 
Issue History
2023-05-31 10:58psanjuanNew Issue
2023-05-31 10:58psanjuanAssigned To => Retail
2023-05-31 10:58psanjuanTriggers an Emergency Pack => No
2023-05-31 11:05psanjuanAssigned ToRetail => adrianromero
2023-05-31 11:05psanjuanSummaryIt is required to include the property “C_TaxCategory_I” in the JSON file of the POS Fiscal API - event Ticket Complete => POS FiscaIization API - It is required to include the property “C_TaxCategory_ID” in the JSON file for the event Ticket Complete
2023-05-31 11:05psanjuanDescription Updatedbug_revision_view_page.php?rev_id=26168#r26168
2023-05-31 11:05psanjuanProposed Solution updated
2023-06-01 10:30psanjuanSummaryPOS FiscaIization API - It is required to include the property “C_TaxCategory_ID” in the JSON file for the event Ticket Complete => POS FiscaIization API - It is required to include the property “TaxG” in the JSON file for the event Ticket Complete
2023-06-01 10:30psanjuanDescription Updatedbug_revision_view_page.php?rev_id=26176#r26176
2023-06-01 10:30psanjuanProposed Solution updated
2023-06-01 10:30psanjuanFile Added: Screenshot from 2023-06-01 10-28-36.png
2023-06-01 12:41psanjuanProposed Solution updated
2023-06-01 12:48psanjuanNote Added: 0150588
2023-06-01 12:48psanjuanAssigned Toadrianromero => psanjuan
2023-06-01 12:52psanjuanFile Deleted: Screenshot from 2023-06-01 10-28-36.png
2023-06-01 12:53psanjuanRelationship addeddepends on 0052639
2023-06-01 13:39psanjuanProposed Solution updated
2023-06-01 13:55psanjuanTypedefect => feature request
2023-06-01 14:07psanjuanNote Added: 0150606
2023-06-02 10:02psanjuanProposed Solution updated
2023-08-22 11:19hgbotNote Added: 0153775
2023-08-28 11:39hgbotResolutionopen => fixed
2023-08-28 11:39hgbotStatusnew => closed
2023-08-28 11:39hgbotNote Added: 0154031
2023-08-28 11:39hgbotNote Added: 0154032
2023-08-28 12:39aferrazAssigned Topsanjuan => jamie_reid

2023-06-01 12:48   
This issue is blocked by the issue related as first thing to do is to create that search key or Tax Rate unique identifier. See issue:
2023-06-01 14:07   
See Jira [^]
2023-08-22 11:19   
Merge Request created: [^]
2023-08-28 11:39   
Directly closing issue as related merge request is already approved.

Repository: [^]
Changeset: 2d9e462c27e9ebb4e4962ff774247d9b9d5a2428
Author: Jamie Reid <>
Date: 28-08-2023 09:39:35
URL: [^]

Fixes ISSUE-52622: add tax searchKey to buildTaxesData function

M web-test/bodyBuilder/bodyBuilder.test.js
M web-test/bodyBuilder/data/multiticket.js
M web-test/bodyBuilder/data/ticket.js
M web/
2023-08-28 11:39   
Merge request merged: [^]