Openbravo Issue Tracking System - POS2
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0052493POS2POSpublic2023-05-17 12:542023-05-19 13:32
normalmajorhave not tried
closedno change required 
0052493: Session timeout dialog bypass pos2 blocked application
When 2 pos2 are open in different tabs/windows, one of them is marked as blocked and we shouldn't be able to use it until it is refreshed.

This can be bypassed by the session timeout dialog, which appears after the set period of time for the session to expire and allows us to login again and work with an incorrect state.
1. Setup a small session timeout by going to backoffice -> Preferences. Add a new record with property Web POS Session Timeout of 3 mins for example, and mark it as selected and visible to all users.
2. Login WebPOS
3. Open in another tab the same WebPOS and complete a ticket in this one
4. Go back to the other tab and wait for session timeout to happen, then login again
5. After logging in, a duplicate ticket error appears as part of the console and terminal log, this shows us that we're using the incorrect state.
Don't allow dialogUIHandler dialogs to appear on a blocked terminal.
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blocks defect 0052468 closed cberner Session timeout dialog bypass pos2 blocked application 
Issue History
2023-05-19 12:59AugustoMauchTypedefect => backport
2023-05-19 12:59AugustoMauchTarget Version => 23Q1.3
2023-05-19 13:32cbernerReview Assigned To => cberner
2023-05-19 13:32cbernerNote Added: 0149980
2023-05-19 13:32cbernerStatusscheduled => closed
2023-05-19 13:32cbernerResolutionopen => no change required

2023-05-19 13:32   
BrowserTab.js for core2 does not exist in 23Q1, so the backport will not be done.