Openbravo Issue Tracking System - Retail Modules
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0052434Retail ModulesWeb POSpublic2023-05-12 10:532023-05-15 06:49
0052434: Payment with change should be blockable for returns
Currently, returning to the customer a higher amount than expected is allowed. Blocking this flow should be at least configurable.

Reproducible both in POS and POS2
- Add a product to the order
- Select the line and "return line"
- Go to the payment page but add a higher amount than the expected with cash
- The payment is added and there is change.
- Complete the order

At least for some businesses, it makes no sense to return cash to the customer and expect him to give the change to the cashier, so this flow should be configurable.
Create configuration for this.
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Issue History
2023-05-12 10:53joniturralde93New Issue
2023-05-12 10:53joniturralde93Assigned To => Retail
2023-05-12 10:53joniturralde93Triggers an Emergency Pack => No
2023-05-15 06:42marvintmNote Added: 0149667
2023-05-15 06:42marvintmTypedefect => feature request
2023-05-15 06:47marvintmNote Deleted: 0149667
2023-05-15 06:49marvintmNote Added: 0149670

2023-05-15 06:49   
It is already possible to configure the maximum amount of money that can be returned to the customer via change, with the "Overpayment/Change limit" field. If a specific configuration for returns is required, then this new configuration should be discussed with Product Management, and then defined by them, and prioritized as part of the backlog.