Openbravo Issue Tracking System - Modules
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0052239ModulesAdvanced Warehouse Operationspublic2023-04-26 09:542023-04-28 09:42
Triage Omni WMS 
normalmajorhave not tried
0052239: Local mode OBAWOProduct masterdata model does not work with attributes
Masterdata model for products in AWO does not work with attributes, this is due to the model, there should be a key that is unique for each product and its attributes, but as of now we only have as key the product id. The product id is overwritten by the last product line, as there can only be one record in indexedDB table with the same primary key id.

When fixed, the query should also work on remote-mode.
1. In Backend, go to Master Data Model Configuration, as AWO Admin role.
2. Add a new line, with Product model, and set it to local
3. Go to AWO application, logout and login.
4. Create an inventory count, and scan a product that has attributes. For example "Flax Seeeds in Food001 storage bin"

There is no popup showing all the products with attributes, as its only retrieving one from the indexedDB table.
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related to feature request 0051926 closed cberner Retail Modules AWO Offline - Masterdata + Inventory Count and Distribution Order offline support 
Issue History
2023-04-26 09:54cbernerNew Issue
2023-04-26 09:54cbernerAssigned To => Triage Omni WMS
2023-04-26 09:59caristuRelationship addedrelated to 0051926
2023-04-26 12:33dmiguelezNote Added: 0148918
2023-04-28 09:42dmiguelezNote Added: 0149055

2023-04-26 12:33   
From a Functional point of view, as of now in the local database only product master data is stored.

The funcional problem is that in order to manage attributes it is necessary to differentiate specific stock, however, it would not be correct from a functional point of view to store information in the local database.
The reason is that the stock information expires very quickly and can not be reliable.

This creates a functional problem that is quite complex to solve.
2023-04-28 09:42   
This Design Defect also affects to over receptions in offline, it will not support attributes until this issue is fixed